Profiled detonation waves in the technologies of explosion treatment of metals

Sobolev, V.V.
Skobenko, O.V.
Kononenko, M.M.
Kulivar, V.V.
Kurlyak, A.V.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
A short review is represented concerning physicotechnical features of current
technologies, plane-wave, converging cylindrical and spherical detonation
waves used in physics and chemistry of high energy densities, physics of
metals, materials science, machine building, and mining and metallurgical
industry. The main drawbacks of existing technologies are shown, and attention
is focused on the technical nature of the reasons limiting their application.
Attention is paid to solving the problem of simultaneous initiation of
detonation of the entire surface layer of a light-sensitive explosive, regardless
of the shape of the surface. A physical and mathematical methodology
for estimating shock-wave parameters of an explosive during initiation of
detonation in it by explosion of the initiation layer of the charge of a lightsensitive
explosive composite is proposed. Prospects of practical application
of detonation (shock) waves of the specified profile formed by laser ignition
of the surface of a light-sensitive explosive composite are discussed. Physicochemical
potential of the system of laser initiation of detonation makes it
possible to form any wave profiles and get pulses of the intensity from 0.1 to
1.0 kPa⋅s on the surfaces being more than 1 m2. Precision and safe system of
laser initiation can be used during any types of blasting operations including
the ones that cannot be implemented principally, while applying standard
systems for initiating explosives and means of explosion.