• European Cyber Security System 

      Kolodiy, Yegor; Meshkov, V.I.; Zuyenok, I.І. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Nowadays computer networks are widely spread in all spheres of human life. That is why the problem of cyber security of mankind is of great importance. Today, the European Union makes efforts to guarantee network safety ...
    • On the accuracy of some polynomial approximations for the kolmogorov–wiener filter weight function 

      Gorev, V. N. (НТУ ДП, 2021)
      The problem of telecommunication traffic prediction is important for telecommunications and cyber security, see [1]. In paper [2] telecommunication traffic is described as a continuous stationary random process ...
    • Personal Data Leaks as a Problem of Cyber Safety 

      Bryzhata, Natalia; Saksonov, G.M.; Zabolotnikova, V.V. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Data leak or data breach is a serious problem of global scale. at the moment it is of increased interest in Ukraine which is caused by unstable political and economic situation. Analysing the most interesting cases of ...
    • Способы защиты от несанкционированного запуска приложений с usb-устройств 

      Кучер, Ростислав Юрьевич; Кручинин, А. В. (Національний гірничий університет, 2017-11-28)
      В данных тезисах анализируются способы защиты от несанкционированного доступа в компьютерные системы по USB-каналу, особенности их работы, разработка рекомендаций, которая удовлетворит большинству запросам безопасности