Now showing items 1555-1574 of 24623
Jack of all trades
(2013) -
Jeremie fund as a non – subsidized, returnable form of support of development for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in
(Видавництво НГУ, 2012)Market economy is characterized predominantly by majority of private ownership and a significant role of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in producing goods and providing services10. ccession of Poland to ... -
(Літограф, 2014) -
Justification of design para-meters of compact load-haul dumper to mine narrow vein heavy pitching deposits
(Balkema, 2011)Consideration of loading unit performance within the system “Rock mass - load-haul equipment - stowing mass” justification of its design parameters covers to mine narrow vein heavy pitching deposits. To intensify the ... -
Justification of design para-meters of compact load-haul dumper to mine narrow vein heavy pitching deposits
(Balkema, 2011)Consideration of loading unit performance within the system “Rock mass - load-haul equipment - stowing mass” justification of its design parameters covers to mine narrow vein heavy pitching deposits. To intensify the machine ... -
Justification of drill and blast pattern designs for ore treatment before in-situ leaching
(2021)The article discusses drill and blast pattern designs for ore treatment before in-situ leaching (ISL) in ore bodies of complex structure with a view to ensuring ecological safety, enhanced ISL efficiency, as well as balanced ... -
Justification of measures to reduce dust emissions from overloading rock on granite quarry
(2024)Technologically simple and environmentally advisable measures to reduce dust and gas emissions from the main technological processes on granite quarry is considered -
(2018)Underground coal development is accompanied by significant deformations of the earth's surface, changes in the hydrological mode of groundwater and surface water, as well as other negative ... -
Justification of rational parameters of the support mounting device of the roadheader
(2023)An expert assessment of the existing means of keeping roof rocks in the area of work of people and machines was carried out. On the basis of computer modeling of the processes of interaction of rocks of mine workings with ... -
Justification of safe underground development of mountain deposits of complex structure by geophysical methods
(2020)The object of research is the technology and technical means for underground mining of ores in energy disturbed massifs of complex structure. One of the most problematic areas is the formation of man-made voids, which ... -
(2013-06-16) -
Justification of the Calculation Method for Cylindrical Drums of Mine Hoisting Machines
(Jurfond, 2024)The paper presents the results of research aimed at substantiating and developing a method for determining the design loads when winding a rope on a cylindrical drum of mine hoisting machines, taking into account the ... -
Justification of the rational parameters of chambers of the third stage extraction while underground iron ore mining
(2015)The width of stope chamber of third stage mining in contact with week rocks of hanging wall is justified. The calculation technique of mining methods with backfilling is improved. -
Kanaka is the place of healthy lifestyle
(2013)The general problem for the South Coast of Crimea (hereinafter – SCC) is supply of fresh water to inhabited localities. That is why all issues concerning formation, transportation, accumulation and consumption ... -
Key competences at the English lessons
(Materiály IX mezinárodní vědecko - praktická konference «Zprávy vědecké ideje– 2013». - Díl 14. Filologické vědy: Praha. Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o - 104 stran, 2013-10-27) -
Kinetic features of the dissociation process of gas hydrate deposits
(2019)The research is aimed at revealing the theoretical features of the kinetics of the process of dissociation of natural gas hydrates, the accounting of which is useful in designing technologies for their development. The ...