Зараз показуються 991-1594 з 1594

      oil aggregation of coal [1]
      oil and gas wells [1]
      oil production [1]
      oil recovery ratio [1]
      oil shale [1]
      oil well drilling [1]
      ontogeny [1]
      open cut mining [1]
      open gear [1]
      open pit [2]
      open pit excavation sequence [1]
      open pit exploitation [1]
      open pit mine [3]
      open pit slope stability [1]
      open-pit mining [1]
      open-pits [1]
      openwork [1]
      operating cycle [1]
      operating parameters [2]
      operational efficiency [1]
      optimal flow distribution [1]
      optimal power [1]
      optimization [5]
      ore [5]
      ore body [2]
      ore deposit [1]
      ore grade [1]
      ore quality [1]
      ore substance [1]
      ore-dressing plant [1]
      organization of cargo flows [1]
      oscillations [1]
      Ostrava-Karviná coal basin [1]
      outburst-prone seam [1]
      outcrops [1]
      overall energy consumption [1]
      overburden [2]
      overworking [3]
      oxygen [1]
      oxygen consumption [1]
      pack [1]
      packed ores [1]
      packers with injection tubes [1]
      paleo organic productivity [1]
      Pannonian Basin System [1]
      Pannonian basin system [1]
      parameter [1]
      parameters of drainage dewatering [1]
      parameters of drilling and blasting operations [1]
      parametric fields [1]
      parametric temperature full-scale [1]
      partial backfilling [1]
      particle size distribution [1]
      particle swarm optimization [1]
      parting [3]
      parts of ore-mining machines [1]
      Pearson criterion [1]
      penetration rate [2]
      perforated rotor [1]
      performance indicators [1]
      permeability [2]
      perspectives [1]
      petrography [2]
      petrography microscope preparation [1]
      petroleum potential [1]
      petrophysical [1]
      pH measurement [1]
      phase [1]
      phase transition [3]
      phenomenological model of the process [1]
      phenomenon [1]
      phosphate ore deposit [1]
      phosphogypsum [1]
      phosphorite [1]
      phosphorites [1]
      physical and mathematical models of beam and lining [1]
      physical and mechanical properties [3]
      physical model [1]
      physical properties [1]
      physical-chemical analysis [2]
      physico-mechanical properties [1]
      pigment yield index [1]
      pillar [5]
      pilot wellbore [1]
      pipeline [1]
      pit capacity [1]
      place driving [1]
      plasma [2]
      plasma-based technology [1]
      plasticity index [1]
      platinum mines [1]
      plume tectonics [1]
      policy tools [1]
      pollution [3]
      polycrase [1]
      polycrystallinе superhard material [1]
      polymer concrete [1]
      poor quality [1]
      pore gas [1]
      pore liquid [1]
      pore pressure [1]
      porphyrins [1]
      portable charger [1]
      position [1]
      post-failure curves [1]
      potentiometry [1]
      powder [1]
      power consumption [1]
      power section “rotor – stator” [1]
      prediction [1]
      pregnant solution [1]
      preliminary assessment [1]
      preliminary enrichment [1]
      preparation [1]
      preparatory mine working [4]
      pressure [3]
      pressure losses [1]
      preventive measures [1]
      preventive strategies [1]
      principal stresses [1]
      proactive management [1]
      process [1]
      processing accuracy [1]
      producer gas [1]
      producing reservoir [1]
      product [1]
      production [1]
      production function [1]
      production wastes [1]
      productive solution [1]
      professional development [1]
      profit optimization [1]
      prognosis [1]
      projects [1]
      prosper analysis [1]
      protective clothing [1]
      protective facilities [1]
      protective structures [1]
      public-private partnership [1]
      publication [1]
      pull [1]
      pump [1]
      pumped storage power station [1]
      pumping equipment [1]
      pumping-circulatory system [1]
      pyrite [1]
      pyrochlore supergroup minerals [1]
      pyrolysis [1]
      QPSO-BP model [1]
      quality [1]
      quality indices [1]
      quantitative study [1]
      quantum particle swarm optimization [1]
      quarry [3]
      quarry mining plan [1]
      quarry of the first stage [1]
      quarrying operation [1]
      quartz sand [1]
      questionnaire [1]
      Radial Basis Function (RBF) [1]
      radial stresses [1]
      radiation monitoring [1]
      radio-wave geointoscopy [1]
      radioactive contamination [1]
      radioactivity [1]
      railway transport [1]
      ranking [1]
      rare earth elements [1]
      rare earth metals [1]
      rate of deformation [1]
      rate of injuries [1]
      rate of penetration [1]
      rating [1]
      reaction and yielding property of support [1]
      reagents [1]
      reamer [1]
      recirculation [1]
      reclamation [3]
      reclamation costs [1]
      reclamation efficiency [1]
      reclamation technology [1]
      recondition [1]
      recovery [2]
      recycling [1]
      reduction of the number of accidents and injuries [1]
      refractory materials [1]
      regression [2]
      regression analysis [1]
      regularities [1]
      relationships [2]
      reliability [2]
      relief [1]
      remaining gaps [1]
      remaining lifetime [1]
      remote sensing [1]
      replacement effect [1]
      rescue and emergency response operations [1]
      research parks [1]
      Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES [1]
      Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Earth sciences [23]
      reservoir [1]
      residual oil [1]
      resin [1]
      resistance of a support [1]
      resolution effect [1]
      resonance [1]
      resource saving [1]
      resource-saving [1]
      resources [1]
      respirator [1]
      response surface methodology [1]
      restoration [1]
      rheology [1]
      risk assessment [2]
      risks [2]
      roadheader [1]
      rock [9]
      rock bolt [3]
      rock burst [1]
      rock cutting [1]
      rock cutting tools [1]
      rock destruction [2]
      rock explosivity [1]
      rock inrush [1]
      rock joints [1]
      rock lamination [1]
      rock mass [10]
      rock mass modeling [1]
      rock mass monitoring [1]
      rock mass strength [1]
      rock massif [6]
      rock massif stability [1]
      rock mechanics [2]
      rock pressure [6]
      rock properties [2]
      rock stress [1]
      rock undercutting [1]
      rockburst [1]
      rocks [7]
      rocks destruction [1]
      rocks softening [1]
      rocks with different hardness [1]
      roof [2]
      roof bolt [1]
      roof rocks [1]
      roof rocks rigidity [1]
      roof stability [1]
      rotary speed [1]
      rotating units [1]
      rotational speed [1]
      rotational velocity [1]
      royalties [1]
      RSTI [1]
      rubber-textile reservoirs [1]
      Sabzkooh water conveyance tunnel [2]
      safer mining [1]
      safety [2]
      safety factor [1]
      salt [1]
      samples [1]
      sand plug [1]
      sandy deposit [1]
      saturation [1]
      scale [1]
      scale effect [1]
      scale factor [1]
      scheduling [2]
      schematics [1]
      scheme [1]
      science parks [1]
      screw motor [1]
      seam [1]
      security barrier [1]
      sedimentary characteristics [1]
      sedimentation [1]
      segregation [1]
      seismic impact [1]
      seismic monitoring [1]
      seismic waves [1]
      seismic zoning [1]
      selective mining [1]
      selective technology of coal extraction, waste-disposal dump, harmful substances emission, worked-out area, coal heat combustion, coal beneficiation, economic effect [1]
      self-adjusting gear [1]
      selvages [1]
      SEM-BSE analysis [1]
      SEM-EDS [1]
      semicoke [1]
      sensitivity analysis [1]
      separation [1]
      separation efficiency [1]
      series of strata [2]
      Serikagni [1]
      set partitioning [1]
      shale oil [1]
      shaped charge [1]
      shaped jet [1]
      shaped liner [1]
      shear dilatancy [1]
      shear resistance [1]
      shear strength reduction technique (SSRT) [1]
      shearer [1]
      shielding shells [1]
      shock blasting [1]
      shock heating [1]
      shock wave [1]
      shock-vibrating screening [1]
      shotcreting [1]
      Siberia [1]
      side [1]
      silagerm [1]
      silicate [1]
      similarity [1]
      simulation [3]
      simulation modelling [1]
      simultaneous mining [1]
      sinking rate of mining [1]
      site [1]
      slag [1]
      slippage [1]
      slope angle [1]
      slope direction [1]
      slope stability [3]
      slope steepness [1]
      Slovakia [1]
      small atypical mine [1]
      small dataset [1]
      smart protection [1]
      smelter slag [1]
      smelter slag dumps [1]
      smoothed particle hydrodynamics method [1]
      softening [1]
      software [2]
      software modelling [1]
      soil [1]
      soil acidity [1]
      soil bedding [1]
      soil disturbance [1]
      soil freezing [1]
      sorbent [1]
      sorption [1]
      spallation [1]
      spatial characteristics of the restriction zone [1]
      special permit [1]
      specific cohesion [1]
      specific energy [1]
      speed of movement [1]
      speed of response [1]
      spherical magnet [1]
      spontaneous heating and spontaneous ignition of coal [1]
      spontaneous ignition [1]
      stability [8]
      stability margin [1]
      stability of excavations [1]
      stability of mine workings [1]
      stabilization of a mineral [1]
      stabilization warehouse [1]
      stable functioning [1]
      stages [1]
      state-owned coal mining enterprise [1]
      static pressure [1]
      statutory and regulatory requirements [1]
      steep excavation layer [1]
      steep-grade layers [1]
      sticking [1]
      stone strength [1]
      stope [2]
      stope and drifting face [1]
      stope face [3]
      stope works [1]
      stopes [2]
      strategies of information system development [1]
      strategy [1]
      stratification [1]
      streams [1]
      strength [3]
      strength criterion [2]
      strength properties [1]
      strength properties of rocks [1]
      stress [6]
      stress and strain state [1]
      stress deformed state [1]
      stress field [1]
      stress intensity coefficient [1]
      stress relaxation [1]
      stress state [2]
      stress-strain state [12]
      stressed state [2]
      stresses [4]
      structural factor [1]
      structurally heterogeneous material [1]
      styrofoam [1]
      sublimation [1]
      subsidence [3]
      subsidence depression [1]
      subsidence of the land surface [1]
      subsoil use [1]
      sulfur content [1]
      sulfuric acid [2]
      sulphuric acid [1]
      superimposed blocks [1]
      supplier [1]
      support [8]
      support design [2]
      support of a mine working [1]
      support of mine working [1]
      support section [1]
      support system [1]
      support vector machine [1]
      supports [1]
      supports adjustment [1]
      surface mine [2]
      surface mining [1]
      surfactants [1]
      surveying [1]
      surveying methods [1]
      surveying monitoring of displacement [1]
      suspension [1]
      sustainability [1]
      sustainable development [2]
      swelling [1]
      sіmulation [1]
      Taguchi method [1]
      tailing dumps [1]
      tailing storage [1]
      tailings [2]
      Tanzania [1]
      Taurus belt [1]
      taxation [1]
      technical structure [1]
      technogenic deposit [1]
      technogenic deposits [2]
      technogenic placers [1]
      technological safety [1]
      technological scheme of development [1]
      technology [1]
      technology of massif injection [1]
      technology parks [1]
      tectonic [1]
      tectonic deformations [1]
      tectonic faults [1]
      tectonic stresses [1]
      temperature variation [1]
      tendencies [1]
      tensile strength in uniaxial compression [1]
      tension [1]
      terrain [1]
      tests on particle-size distribution [1]
      TG/DTG [1]
      the Far East [1]
      the impact of mining [1]
      the Rebinder’s effect [1]
      theoretical research [1]
      theory of elasticity and vibrations [1]
      theory of plasticity [1]
      thermal cycling impact [1]
      thermal destruction of coal [1]
      thermal gradient [1]
      thermal reaming [2]
      thermal stresses [1]
      thermal-magnetic activation [1]
      thermodynamic analysis [1]
      thermodynamic method [1]
      thermodynamic models [1]
      thin coal seams [1]
      thin section [1]
      three-zone tariff [1]
      Ti-Ta-Nb-oxides [1]
      tight sands [1]
      tightness [1]
      timeliness [1]
      tin mine tailings [1]
      titano-magnetite [1]
      tool [1]
      tool wear [1]
      top-down mining [1]
      TOPSIS [1]
      tower flow [1]
      toxic metal [1]
      trace metals [1]
      tracer gases [1]
      trade openness [1]
      transfer case [1]
      transfer factors [1]
      transportation [1]
      transportation problem [1]
      transportation schemes [1]
      transversely isotropic medium [1]
      Trepça mine [1]
      triaxiality [1]
      tribotechnical pair [1]
      trough [1]
      tubing string [1]
      tuff [2]
      tungsten [1]
      tunnel boring machine [1]
      tunneling [1]
      turbobit [1]
      type of open-pit transport [1]
      typomorphism [1]
      UBC method [1]
      ultimate composition [2]
      undercut [1]
      underground blasting [1]
      underground cavities [2]
      underground coal combustion [1]
      underground coal gasification [2]
      underground coal gasification, gasifier, rock mass, stratification cavities, goaf [1]
      underground coal mining [1]
      underground leaching [1]
      underground mining [5]
      underground working [1]
      underground workings [1]
      underworking [1]
      unstable zone [1]
      uranium [5]
      uranium mining [1]
      uranium ore, fine classification by size and refuse dehydration, resource-saving technologies and tools, recommen-dations [1]
      uranium resources [1]
      urbanisation [1]
      use of surfactants [1]
      vegetation [1]
      vegetative index [1]
      velocity [1]
      ventilation flow [1]
      vibration [2]
      vibrations [1]
      vibrator [1]
      vibroemitter [1]
      virtual model [1]
      voltage [2]
      volumetric slope [1]
      Vourinos massif [1]
      vugg [1]
      vuggy [1]
      waste dump [1]
      waste heaps [1]
      waste recycling [2]
      waste rocks [1]
      water drive [1]
      water filtration [1]
      water injection [1]
      water intake [1]
      water level [1]
      water saturation [1]
      water spraying [1]
      water-bearing deposit [1]
      water-drainage installations [1]
      water-saturated soil [1]
      weakly bound volatiles [1]
      weakly consolidated reservoirs [1]
      wear [5]
      wear resistance [1]
      weathering [1]
      wedge cut pattern [1]
      weight on bit [1]
      well [10]
      well construction [1]
      well flow rate [1]
      wet and dry grinding media [1]
      whiteware ceramics [1]
      working [1]
      working area [1]
      working driving [1]
      working face [1]
      working stability [1]
      X-ray analysis [1]
      X-ray diffraction [1]
      X-ray phase [1]
      X-ray phase method [1]
      XRD [1]
      XRF [1]
      yield of geothermal fluid [1]
      zirconium [1]
      zone [1]
      zone of land use restriction [1]
      zone regionalization [1]
      адсорбция, углеродсодержащие продукты, фильтрование, сорбент, очистка сточных вод [1]
      адсорбція, продукти, що містять вуглець, фільтрування, сорбент, очищення стічних вод [1]
      будівництво тунелів, гірський масив, ґрунт, роликовий робочий орган, метод [1]
      вегетативний індекс [1]
      вентиляционная выработка, горное давление, крепь, деформации, компьютерное моделирование [1]
      вентиляційна виробка, гірський тиск, кріплення, деформації, комп’ютерне моделювання [1]
      видобуток дорогоцінного каміння [1]
      вплив [1]
      вуглевміщуючий масив, напружено-деформований стан, виїмкова виробка, сталеполімерні й канатні анкери [1]
      горные породы, невзрывчатая разрушающая смесь, гидратация, проведение, шпур, разрушение, давление, напряжения [1]
      гірські породи, невибухова руйнуюча суміш, гідратація, проведення, шпур, руйнування, тиск, напруження [1]
      дистанційне зондування [1]
      енергоресурс, енергетична ефективність, соціально-економічні фактори, розробка родовищ, технологія [1]
      журнал, концепция, Разработка Месторождений, Национальный горный университет, кафедра подземной разработки [1]
      журнал, концепція, Розробка Родовищ, Національний гірничий університет, кафедра підзе- мної розробки [1]
      канатний анкер, шаруваті породи, гірнича виробка, зона дезінтеграції порід, натурні дослідження [1]
      канатный анкер, слоистые породы, горная выработка, зона дезинтеграции пород, натурные исследования [1]
      навколишнє середовище [1]
      промышленные методы исследования, напряженно-деформированное состояние, очист- ные и подготовительные выработки, глубина разрушения контура выработок, зональное разрушение массива [1]
      свердловина, каверна, глинисто-шламові скупчення, пристрій для обробки, кут укосу, глина, промивальна рідина [1]
      селективна технологія видобутку вугілля, породний відвал, викид шкідливих речовин, вироблений простір, те-плота згорання вугілля, збагачення вугілля, економічний ефект [1]
      селективная технология добычи угля, породный отвал, выброс вредных веществ, выработанное пространство, теплота сгорания угля, обогащение угля, экономический эффект [1]
      скважина, каверна, глинисто-шламовые скопления, устройство для обработки, угол откоса, глина, промывочная жидкость [1]
      строительство тоннелей, горный массив, почва, роликовый рабочий орган, метод [1]
      углевмещающий массив, напряженно-деформированное состояние, выемочная выработка, сталеполимерные и канатные анкера [1]
      урановые руды, тонкая классификация по крупности и обезвоживание отходов, ресурсосберегающие техноло-гии и средства, методические рекомендации [1]
      уранові руди, тонка класифікація по крупності та зневоднювання відходів, ресурсозберігаючі технології та засоби, методичні рекомендації [1]
      энергоресурс, энергетическая эффективность, социально-экономические факторы, разработка месторожде-ний, технология [1]