Revisiting the research of coal gasification proces
The paper presents the last studies of the underground coal gasification process intensification
by determining the concentration of combustible producer gases (CO, H2, CH4), depending on the temperature of
reducing zone in the reaction channel and the gas flow velocity along its length.
It was established that the volume of coal that is gasified in-situ varies directly in proportion to the
amount of burnt coal and blast velocity. The intensification of the synergy of gasification is enhanced provided
that the concentrations of oxygen and carbon are equal in the reaction channel of the underground gasifier. The
rate of gasification is due to the intensity of chemical reactions and directly depends on the intensity of the supply
to the coal mass of oxygen and gasification products extraction. Established values make it possible to determine
the output of underground gasifier on stable operation regime.
Obtained results of experimental studies with sufficient precision for application can be used to determine
working parameters of underground gasifier and provide to expand the field of application of an underground
coal gasification technology