Зараз показуються 37-495 з 495

      capacitive storage [1]
      carbon-containing materials [1]
      cargo flow [1]
      casing centralizer [1]
      Cauchy-Riemann conditions [1]
      Cauchy-Riemann relations [1]
      cavitation [1]
      cavitation bubble [1]
      cavitation disperser [1]
      cavitation-pulsation mode [1]
      channel [1]
      charging cavity [1]
      chemical reactions [1]
      chiral symmetry breaking [1]
      CIP [1]
      clarification [1]
      closed mine [1]
      closed problem [1]
      coal [4]
      coal industry [2]
      coal mines [1]
      coal seam [2]
      coal slime and braize [1]
      coal-bearing rocks [1]
      coal-containing product [1]
      coalmine diversification [1]
      coefficient of friction [1]
      Coefficient of Penetration [1]
      coercive force [1]
      coke [1]
      colored gems [1]
      combined relay protection system [1]
      combined anchor systems [1]
      competitiveness [1]
      complex recycling [1]
      complex variables [1]
      composite fuel [1]
      compositions [1]
      compressed air [1]
      concentration of mining works [2]
      confinement [1]
      conical backfil [1]
      consumer-regulator [1]
      contact interaction [1]
      contact stresses [1]
      continuous smelting [1]
      contortion and fracturing [1]
      contortion zone [1]
      conveyor transport line [1]
      copper concentrate [1]
      correlation [1]
      cost [1]
      cracks formation zone [1]
      creep [1]
      critical velocity [1]
      cubic boron carbide Fe 23 (CB) 6 [1]
      Curie point [1]
      cutting [1]
      cylindrical panel [1]
      damped torsional oscillations [1]
      damping coefficient [1]
      decentralized energy sources [1]
      deep mine [1]
      deformability of structure [1]
      deformation [3]
      design [2]
      deslimer [1]
      detonation velocity [1]
      diagnosis [1]
      diamond smoothing [1]
      differential-thermal analysis [1]
      disintegrator [1]
      disk [1]
      dispersion method [1]
      disposal [1]
      dissipation [1]
      distributed generation renewable energy sources [1]
      distribution networks of open pit mines [1]
      double-unit longwall [1]
      doubly fed induction generator [1]
      drawing [1]
      drill string [1]
      drilling tool [1]
      drilling-and-blasting operations [1]
      drive line [1]
      driving drum [1]
      dump [1]
      durability limit [1]
      Dust Respirator [1]
      ecological and economic indicators [2]
      economic indexes [1]
      economic and mathematical models [1]
      economic-mathematical model [1]
      economical issues [1]
      efficiency [2]
      EHD flow [1]
      eismoacoustic [1]
      elastic shell [1]
      elastic torsion [1]
      elasticity theory [1]
      electric [1]
      electric power quality [1]
      electric vehicles [1]
      electrokinetic agglomeration [1]
      electromechanics with the direct-current unibus [1]
      electromotor devices [1]
      emulsion explosives [1]
      energy [1]
      energy efficiency [1]
      energy generation [1]
      energy saving [1]
      energy generation [1]
      energy resources [1]
      energy saving [1]
      engineering solutions [1]
      engineering solutions [1]
      enrichment zones [1]
      enthalpy [1]
      entropy [1]
      environment [1]
      environment model [1]
      environmental protection [1]
      environmental safety [1]
      equilibrium stability of structural [1]
      eutectic [2]
      eutectics [1]
      expansion [1]
      explosion [1]
      explosion heat [1]
      explosive emulsion [1]
      express control [1]
      extract [1]
      extracting edge of the matrix [1]
      F-test, t-test [1]
      feedstock [1]
      filling material [1]
      Filter Resistance [1]
      filtration [1]
      finite element model [1]
      fluid hydrodynamics [1]
      fluidized abrasive bed [1]
      flux-cored wire [1]
      fly ashes of thermal power plants [1]
      forecasting [1]
      forecasting stability method [1]
      frame support [1]
      friction [1]
      fundamental substitution [1]
      furnace throat [1]
      gamma distribution, [1]
      gas generator [1]
      gas hydrate [1]
      gas hydrates [1]
      gas-dynamic phenomena [1]
      gasification [2]
      gasifier [1]
      generalized solution [1]
      geologic cross- section [1]
      geomodulus [1]
      georadio location [1]
      geothermal systems [1]
      Gibbs energy [1]
      GIS [1]
      grain size [1]
      green tariff [1]
      grinding [1]
      grinding grain [1]
      grinding tool [1]
      groundwater [1]
      hard rock disintegration [1]
      hard rocks [1]
      hardness [1]
      heat capacity [1]
      heat supply system [1]
      heating device [1]
      heavy metals [1]
      heterogeneous lyophobic system [1]
      high frequency transformer [1]
      high voltage [1]
      hot rolling coils [1]
      hot deformation [1]
      hydration [1]
      hydraulic protecting device [1]
      hydraulic hammer [1]
      hydrodynamic and geomechanical processes [1]
      hydrodynamic super-cavitation [1]
      hysteresis characteristic [1]
      implantation [1]
      impulse system [1]
      innovations [2]
      insulation [1]
      interaction [1]
      investments [1]
      ion-molecular structures [1]
      iron ore [1]
      iron-nickel alloy [1]
      jet technology [1]
      jointing material [1]
      kinematics of the deformation focus [1]
      Laplace equation [1]
      Laplace’s equations [1]
      lateral velocity variations [1]
      layers thickness [1]
      liquid dielectrics [1]
      local introduction [1]
      longitudinal stability [1]
      longitudinal vibrations [1]
      magnetic [1]
      magnetic field [1]
      man-made mineral formation [1]
      manganese [1]
      mathematical model [3]
      mathematical modelling [1]
      mechanical stresses [1]
      mechanized complex [1]
      melt [3]
      meridian voltage [1]
      metal [1]
      metallurgical slags [1]
      metallurgical waste utilization [1]
      method [2]
      method of analogies [1]
      methods of integral representation [1]
      methods of substance analysis [1]
      microelectronic base [1]
      microhardness [1]
      microstructure of rollers [1]
      mine experiments [1]
      mine field [1]
      mine water [1]
      mineral deposit [2]
      mineral resources development systems [1]
      mining [5]
      mining technologies [1]
      mining enterprise [1]
      mining equipment [1]
      mining system of development [1]
      mining-geological conditions [1]
      mobile complex [1]
      mock-up specimen [1]
      modeling [2]
      modelling [3]
      modifying component [1]
      momentum [1]
      motion on the harmonic law of overhead end of rope [1]
      nanohardness [1]
      national economy [1]
      neural networks [1]
      neutral mode [1]
      Noise-like signal [1]
      non-blasting technologies [1]
      non-explosive destroying mixture [1]
      nonlinear deformation [1]
      nonstationary problem [1]
      operability of explosives, [1]
      operating modes [1]
      optimization [1]
      oscillation [1]
      oscillations [1]
      output [1]
      overheating of the alloy above the liquidus line [2]
      peak values [1]
      phase transitions [1]
      physical and mechanical characteristics [1]
      phytoremediation [1]
      piston rings [1]
      plane problem [1]
      planning [2]
      plasma technology [1]
      plastic masses [1]
      plugging materials [1]
      pneumatic hammer [1]
      pneumopercussion machines [1]
      point of contact [1]
      polarization of vacuum [1]
      power consumption [1]
      power distributive network [1]
      power quality [1]
      press unit [1]
      pressure [1]
      Pressure Difference [1]
      price [1]
      principle diagram [1]
      priori information [1]
      problem [1]
      production costs [1]
      pseudorandom sequence of Huffman [1]
      pulse-width modulation [1]
      pumping system [1]
      punching [1]
      pyrometallurgical method [1]
      quarry voids [1]
      radial distribution of burden [1]
      radial distribution of gas flow [1]
      radio wave [1]
      radioisotope sensors [1]
      rail transport [1]
      Rank-Hilsh tube [1]
      rare earth metals [1]
      rational parameters [1]
      reactive power [1]
      reclamation [1]
      recultivation [1]
      recycled water [1]
      redundancy [1]
      relays [1]
      reliability [1]
      Remote Sensing [1]
      renewables [1]
      residual stresses [1]
      resonant vibrations [1]
      responsible mining [1]
      restrictions on the parameters [1]
      Reversible dies [1]
      rigidity [2]
      rock [1]
      Rock Joints [1]
      Rock Mass Strength [1]
      rock massif [1]
      rock stresses [1]
      rod [1]
      roller briquetting press [1]
      rolling [1]
      rolling force [1]
      rolling mill [1]
      rope with a load on the end [1]
      rotary motion [1]
      rotor [1]
      rubber-cable rope [1]
      schemes decisions [1]
      screw prepressing mechanism [1]
      seismoacoustic forecast, [1]
      shaft [1]
      shear of cables [1]
      shears [1]
      shell [1]
      siderite [1]
      simulating modelling [1]
      size distribution [1]
      slagheap [1]
      slope stability analysis [1]
      sludge [2]
      smelting [1]
      social damage [1]
      solar panel [1]
      solid materials [1]
      solid materials, [1]
      space mining [1]
      spectral analysis of signal [1]
      speed of transportation [1]
      stability [1]
      stability of dumps and open-pit side [1]
      stabilization [1]
      stand-by condition of technological facilities [1]
      state support [1]
      static potential [1]
      statistic modelling [1]
      Statistical Strength Theory [1]
      statistical criteria [1]
      statistically significant factors [1]
      stiffness [1]
      strain [2]
      stray currents [1]
      streamline [1]
      strength [2]
      stress [3]
      stress-strain state [2]
      stress-strain state of the rock mass [1]
      stressed state [1]
      strip grip [1]
      Structural Factor [1]
      structure of borehole charges [1]
      subsidence [1]
      subway [1]
      surface mining of mineral deposits [1]
      sustainable development [1]
      sustainable development [1]
      synchro-mining [1]
      synchronous drive [1]
      system approach [1]
      system, implantation [1]
      tailings dump [1]
      tangential load [1]
      tangential reaction [1]
      technical and economicindicators [1]
      technical occupation [1]
      technogenic deposits [1]
      technogenic pollution [1]
      technological solutions [1]
      technological transport parameters [1]
      technology [3]
      temperature [1]
      temperature conditions [1]
      tensile strength [1]
      tension [1]
      the CMP method [1]
      the economic mechanism of environmental [1]
      the railway axle [1]
      the caliber [1]
      the regime of reduction [1]
      the rock massif [1]
      the scheme of deformation [1]
      theory of plasticity [1]
      thermal energy [1]
      thermal resource [1]
      thermo-mechanical controlled process [1]
      thermodynamic modelling [1]
      thermomagnetic material [1]
      thickener [1]
      thing coal seam [2]
      three-dimensional electrodynamics [1]
      throwing unit [1]
      time- distance graph [1]
      toxic elements [1]
      traceable supply chain [1]
      trigonometric substitution [1]
      tumbling mills [1]
      two-dimensional boundary problem [1]
      ultrasonic [1]
      ultrasonic peening [1]
      ultrasound [1]
      underground mining [1]
      underground coal gasification [2]
      underground mining [1]
      undermining [1]
      undisturbed power supply (UPS) [1]
      unevenness [1]
      V2G [1]
      vacuum-arc coating [1]
      vanadium [1]
      vector control [1]
      vertical vibrational mill [1]
      vibration hardening [1]
      vibrations [1]
      vortex device [1]
      wallface [1]
      washing liquid [1]
      waste [1]
      waste dump [1]
      waste of coal preparation [1]
      waste rock dump [1]
      waveguide [1]
      WC-Co [1]
      wear resistance [1]
      well [1]
      well drilling [1]
      well drilling [1]
      well reaming [1]
      Western Donbass [1]
      Western Donbas [1]
      wind generator [1]
      wind loading [1]
      working [2]
      working stress [1]
      working area of the open-pit [1]
      workings support [1]
      zone of intensive grinding [1]
      zones of destruction [1]
      сoal extraction [1]