Перегляд Physical & Chemical Geotechnologies – 2020 : materials of the International Scientific & Practical Conference (Program of report) = Фізико-хімічні геотехнології – 2020 : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (програма виступів), 04–05 листопада 2020 р. по темі "deformation"
Зараз показуються 1-2 з 2
Influence of deformation parameters on drill string dynamics
(Видавництво НТУ ДП, 2020)Purpose. Identifying the causes of additional energy consumption for deformation of the drill string. Methodology. The study was conducted by analyzing the causes of deformations and justifying their impact on the ... -
Substantiation of the parameters For the formation of a filling mass from Metallurgical slags in open pit voids
(Видавництво НТУ «ДП», 2020)Substantiation of rational parameters for the formation of a filling mass of metallurgical slags on the basis of a complex of laboratory studies and physical modeling for the reclamation of technologically disturbed lands. ...