Перегляд Physical & Chemical Geotechnologies – 2020 : materials of the International Scientific & Practical Conference (Program of report) = Фізико-хімічні геотехнології – 2020 : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (програма виступів), 04–05 листопада 2020 р. по темі "pyrometallurgical method"
    • Some effective method of processing copper concentrate 

      Kravchenko, Volodymyr; Hankevich, Valentyn; Pashchenko, Oleksandr; Kuts, Oleksandra (Видавництво НТУ ДП, 2020)
      Purpose. Using the special methods of processing it is proposed the forming of copper concentrate for further industrial usage. Methodology. The studies were carried on using continuous smelting of copper ...