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dc.contributor.authorKolesnik, Valery
dc.contributor.authorBuchavyi, Yurii
dc.contributor.authorLiasov, Kostyantyn
dc.identifier.citationKolesnik V. Development of ecological monitoring system of metallurgical waste disposal sites USING GIS AND remote sensing / Valery Kolesnik, Yurii Buchavyi, Kostyantyn Liasov // Physical & Chemical Geotechnologies – 2020 : materials of the International Scientific & Practical Conference (Program of report) = Фізико-хімічні геотехнології – 2020 : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (програма виступів), 04-05 листопада 2020 р. / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Нац. техн. ун-т «Дніпровська політехніка» – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2020. – С. 56-57.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractTo study the prospects for the use of Geoinformation systems and remote sensing technologies for assessing the volume of metallurgy waste and the environmental hazard of the surrounding territory. The studies used field and laboratory research in combination with geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies, as well as an expert assessment method to assess the environmental hazard from the development of metallurgical man-made deposits [1-5].uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво НТУ «ДП»uk_UA
dc.subjectman-made mineral formationuk_UA
dc.subjectmetallurgical waste utilizationuk_UA
dc.subjectenvironmental safetyuk_UA
dc.subjectRemote Sensinguk_UA
dc.titleDevelopment of ecological monitoring system of metallurgical waste disposal sites USING GIS AND remote sensinguk_UA

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