Browsing Збірник наукових праць НГУ. - 2021. - № 65 by Author "Beketov, O."
Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Metallographic analysis of potential areas of destruction initiation of the zone of thermal impact of low-carbon steels after laser welding
Laukhin, D.; Beketov, O.; Slupska, Y.; Babenko, E.; Rott, N.; Dytiuk, V. (Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2021)The work investigates the detection of dangerous areas of the zones of thermal impact on the basis of the research of welding joint structure formation after laser welding of low-carbon steels 09Mn2Si, 10CrNiCu, 10Mn2VNb. ...