Перегляд Проблеми використання інформаційних технологій в освіті, науці та промисловості: матеріали 16-ої міжнар. конф. (15 грудня 2021 р., м. Дніпро) по темі "qubits"
    • Approaching a new era of computing 

      Hulina, I.; Kostrytska, S.; Berezhnyi, O. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      The way quantum computers operate is described. The advantages of quantum computers over conventional computers are presented. The examples of the use of computing devices based on the laws of quantum mechanics are considered.
    • The quantum computer potential 

      Alekseyev, M.; Syrotkina, O.; Kostrytska, S.; Zyabrieva, E. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      The efficient system architecture of quantum computers has led to improvements in various areas. This paper describes the concepts of quantum computing and quantum computing applications. The current ...