• Application of artificial intelligence for small projects 

      Abdullah, S. M. A. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Abstract. The introduction of computer technologies in production can significantly increase production efficiency and provides for increased productivity, improved quality and minimization of production losses. ...
    • Autopilot technology in vehicles 

      Hrechuk, Diana; Olishevskiy, I. H. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Autopilot technology is on everyone's lips these days. But why? Autopilot is a generic term used in multiple industries, particularly aircraft, and generally means that something can guide itself without human intervention. ...
    • BYOD освіта в сучасних умовах навчального процесу 

      Шабанов, Денис; Козинець, І. І. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Концепція BYOD (англ. Bring Your Own Device - принеси свій пристрій) - глобальна тенденція у сфері Інформаційних технологій, що описує феномен застосування особистих пристроїв (мобільних телефонів, планшетів, ноутбуків, ...
    • Characteristics of wastewater from biofuel production 

      Andreasian, N. R. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Wastewater is water contaminated with waste from industrial or agricultural production and household waste. Wastewater also includes water that is formed as a result of atmospheric precipitation within settlements and ...
    • Development of the staff motivation system as a factor of improving the efficiency of the enterprise 

      Melashchenko, K. Y.; Herasymenko, T. V. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Motivating of the staff and creating the conditions for their interest in increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, and even the development of social partnership in particular, are the main ...

      Krasovskyi, Serhii; Kovrov, Oleksandr; Klimkina, Iryna (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Heavy metals accumulate in the soil during military operations with the use of small arms, mortars, artillery and rockets. Military projectiles have different metals in their composition. Each metal has its own ...

      Kozii, Ye. S.; Ishkov, V. V. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      To research and find the most effective method of creating objective typification of sections of the coal seam c 6 of the Dniprovska mine field of different thickness according to germanium concentrations, ...
    • New technologies in drilling 

      Dayabu, A. J.; Pashchenko, O. A. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Advances in technologies used for well drilling and completion have enabled the energy industry to reach new sources of oil and natural gas to meet rising demand around the world. New technologies have also helped ...

      Kozii, Ye. S.; Ishkov, V. V. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      To research geochemical features of nickel in oils of existing deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk basin and creation of their classification according to the content of this metal.
    • Oil and gas industry hydrotechnical structures design 

      Mammadyarova, Taravat; Pashchenko, O. A. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      The gradual depletion of oil and gas reserves on land and the aggravation of the global energy crisis necessitated the ever wider development of the oil and gas resources of the seabed, which contains ...
    • On the discrete kolmogorov–wiener filter for the one-point prediction of exponentially smoothed heavy-tail processes 

      Gorev, V. N.; Gusev, A. Yu.; Korniienko, V. I.; Voronko, T. E. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      The prediction of telecommunication traffic is an important problem for telecommunications and cyber security, see a detailed description in [1]. There are a plenty of different (and rather sophisticated) ...
    • Quantum cryptology issues 

      Chekushkin, Nikita; Olishevskiy, I. H. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      In the realities of the technological development of the digital environment, the role of data and information in them has changed significantly. Today, information is of tremendous importance both for international ...
    • Scope and level of education are most crucial issues for survival of the biospherer and the mankind 

      Fedorkiv, A. I.; Perkun, І. V. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Environmental technologies and other "environmental measures" for all their absolute and vital necessity are not able alone to solve the problem of the relationship between a humanbeingand the biosphere, ...
    • Security of relational database systems 

      Kopach, V. V.; Olishevskiy, I. H. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      In the modern world, many routine procedures have been transferred to digital form, and whether it is an online purchase on the Internet, filling out a questionnaire or creating an account, all data must be stored in a ...
    • Systems of collection and preparation of well products 

      Abroyan, A. A.; Khomenko, V. L. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      The article is devoted to the analysis of well production collection and preparation systems. The main characteristic features of various systems are given. A typical collection and preparation system ...
    • The influence of surface-active substances on the lubricating properties of drilling mud 

      Diachenko, Yu.; Dmytrenko, V. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Lubricating additives are added to drilling mud to improve their lubricating properties. The importance of using lubricating additives lies in the reduction of friction due to the adsorption layer on the surface of the ...
    • The problematic issues concerning modern well drilling technologies 

      Askerov, I. K.; Ihnatov, A. O. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      Well drilling is the leading technological cycle that makes it possible to carry out prospecting and mining operations within different mineral deposits. Numerous operations as for construction of ...
    • Utilization of microfluidics as a models for studying co 2 injection into deep saline aquifers 

      Dąbrowski, Karol; Kuczyński, Szymon; Smulski, Rafał; Zając, Michał; Nagy, Stanisław (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      The article discusses the problems of utilization of microfluidics as a models for studying CO 2 injection into deep saline aquifers. long term effects of capture and storage (CCS) technology are considered. ...
    • Vibrations when drilling wells for oil and gas 

      Kobeza, V. S.; Khomenko, V. L. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      The article discusses the causes of drill string vibrations when drilling oil and gas wells. It was established that they can be divided into three large groups: geological, technical and technological. ...
    • Web portal security systems 

      Poliakov, Ivan; Olishevskiy, I. H. (НТУ ДП, 2022)
      We regularly hear about websites becoming unavailable due to denial of service attacks, or the display of altered (and often corrupted) information on their pages. In other cases, millions of passwords, email ...