Shevchenko, Yuliia; Novytskyi, Igor (Інформаційні технології: теорія і практика. I (VII) міжнародна науковопрактична конференція здобувачів вищої освіти і молодих учених «Інформаційні технології: теорія і практика». Тези доповідей (Дніпро 20 – 22 березня 2024) / М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. техн. ун-т «Дніпровська політехніка». – Дніпро : Свідлер А.Л., – 2024. – 479 с., 2024-03)
      When creating two-stage processing technologies, a complex system approach is necessary: the tasks of optimal operational management should be considered together with the tasks of designing a technological scheme and ...
    • A systematic approach to solving the optimization problems of management of technological lines 

      Shevchenko, Yuliia; Novytskyi, Igor (2024)
      The task of creating a technological line is generally reduced to three stages: 1) development of the design of individual devices of the technological line; 2) selection of the inventory of line devices from the available ...
    • Advantages of a network attack detection system (NADS) using wavelet analysis 

      Hrynchenko, P. V. (2024)
      The current development of computer networks affects most areas of economic activity. In addition to the dependability of the hardware being used, maintaining the functioning of networks and the information systems running ...
    • Agile frameworks. Nexus frameworks for scaling scrum 

      Glöckle, Herbert; Maliienko, Anastasiia (2024)
      Agile is a project management philosophy that employs a set of principles and values to help software teams respond to change. Agile teams value individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over ...
    • Analyze and evaluate student responses to open-ended questions using natural language processing (NLP) 

      Astafieva, Viktoriia; Selivanova, Anna (2024)
      Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyse and evaluate student responses to open-ended questions marks a significant advancement in educational technology. Lots of examination testing require ...
    • Beauty center modeling and optimization 

      Kadigrob, Y. V.; Litvinov, A. L. (2024)
      Today, people are increasingly striving to have a good appearance. This becomes a great incentive for the opening of new beauty centers. From the point of view of demand, the salon business is highly promising, but to ...
    • Developing a hybrid continuous-discrete approach for optimizing medical logistics through two-stage location problem solving 

      Serhieiev, Oleksii (2024)
      Optimizing logistics is essential for supply chain management, especially in healthcare. It efficiently distributes medical products efficiently and ensures public health and quick response during crises. Technologies and ...
    • Development of a mobile application for mathematics learning 

      Paievska, Diana; Bazurin, Vitaliy; Yurchenko, Yurii (2024)
      Over the past four years, the educational process has undergone significant digitization and has become a reality of our present day. This rapid spread is driven by a variety of factors: the rapid advancement ...
    • Development of a variational autoencoder for handwritten digit recognition 

      Podoliak, В.; Filimonova, Т. (2024)
      With each passing day, the application of neural networks becomes increasingly noticeable in various fields of activity. Scientists and researchers strive to develop new and improve existing neural networks to address ...
    • Information technologies and the road to european integration 

      Pashchenko, О. А.; Terkhanova, О.V.; Medvedovska, Т. Р. (2024)
      The role of information technologies in shaping global narratives is a multifaceted and significant aspect of the modern world. The media, as a primary vehicle for disseminating information, plays a crucial ...
    • Knowledge management as a way of adapting to an uncertain future 

      Molokanova, Valentyna М. (2024)
      At present, we are living in an unprecedented historical period of capital reformatting. The era when capital meant only land, equipment, labour, and money has already become history. Today, classical forms ...
    • Optimization of the route formation process using the grasp algorithm 

      Pestow, Radomir (2024)
      We investigate the relationship between bias about infectious disease and well-being. First, we empirically establish the existence and the causes of bias, specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. After that we investigate ...
    • Qs sustainability rankings: репрезентація українських і польських університетів 

      Фесенко, Т. Г. (2024)
      Відомо, що «QS World University Rankings» є одним з найвпливовіших рейтингів університетів і передбачає оцінку репутації в академічному середовищі, цитованості наукових публікацій, співвідношення ...
    • System Analysis in Software Engineering: Applying the Algorithm for Enumerating All Possible Scenarios 

      Mormul, Anton; Koriashkina, Larysa; Kostrytska, Svitlana (2024)
      System analysis is the process of studying a system and its requirements in order to design an information system that meets those requirements. It is a key step in the software development performed after project planning. ...
    • Using GIS technologies for solving optimization problems in humanitarian logistics 

      Lubenets, Danylo; Koriashkina, Larysa (2024)
      The efficiency of humanitarian logistics is crucial, especially in emergencies or when distributing limited resources. A key task is optimally placing collection centers to minimize distances and costs. This task is complex ...
    • Video keyword generation from text description based on artificial intelligence 

      Yemets, M.; Khabarlak, K. (2024)
      Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a transformative solution to address these challenges, offering capabilities in natural language understanding and semantic inference. Leveraging machine learning ...
    • WEB-сервіс для оранізації спільних поїздок 

      Морщ, Д. Г.; Шевченко, І. В. (2024)
      У сучасному світі зростає популярність спільних поїздок як зручного та ефективного засобу транспортного переміщення. Заощадження часу, ресурсів та зниження екологічного впливу стають важливими аспектами ...
    • WEB-сервіс для управління проєктами і задачами 

      Сітайло, О. Ю.; Шевченко, І. В. (2024)
      На сьогоднішній день для багатьох людей обсяг і складність завдань у робочий або вільний їх час значно зріс в порівнянні з минулим, тому наявність інструментів для організації власних завдань є ...
    • Why do we need a Post-Train Adaptive neural network? 

      Khabarlak, Kostiantyn (2024)
      Neural networks have shown to be effective in many areas. Convolutional neural networks solve computer vision problems, such as classification, detection and segmentation depending on task at human level or better. Recurrent ...
    • Аbout the problem of prescribing antibiotics for therapeutic purposes 

      Syrota, S.D.; Stanina, O.D. (2024)
      Nowadays, the problem of antibiotics overuse is becoming increasingly widespread. One of the primary threats is antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – the adaptability of bacteria to antibiotics, which ...