• Happiness as a state of consciousness 

      Tymofieiev, Oleksandr (Видавництво НТУ «ДП», 2020)
      The importance of what people understand under the word "happiness" is difficult to put under doubt. The pursuit of happiness is inherent in every human being and is an integral part of human nature.Happiness is one of ...
    • High poverty as a form of life: the phenomenon of franciscan spirituality in the context of philosophical comprehension 

      Tymofieiev, Oleksandr (НТУ "ДП", 2019)
      In the context of the philosophical dialogue of the path, we note that the modern leader of the Catholic Church, being named Francis in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of the poor, proposes to change ...
    • Idea of happiness and basic income 

      Tymofieiev, Oleksandr (НТУ "ДП", 2020)
      In the ancient world the idea of happiness was presented in various interpretations, but the most thorough study of this problem can be considered the doctrine of Aristotle. According to the ...