Зараз показуються 81-100 з 128

    • European Cyber Security System 

      Kolodiy, Yegor; Meshkov, V.I.; Zuyenok, I.І. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Nowadays computer networks are widely spread in all spheres of human life. That is why the problem of cyber security of mankind is of great importance. Today, the European Union makes efforts to guarantee network safety ...
    • The Simulation of Human Intelligence 

      Kikot, Anna; Komarova, O.I. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Nowadays, we are extensively feed up with technology of information all around us. Everything we have seen around us is purely a product of high end advancement. The arrival of computers made the importance of ...
    • The Influence of Virtual Reality on Human Mind 

      Khukhryanskiy, Andrew; Zhukova, E.A.; Ivanchenko, I.A. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Our society is witnessing a rapid development of innovation technologies which allowed to do scientific research in many spheres and, in particular, in virtual reality (VR) and its impact on a human mind and imagination.
    • Linux Security 

      Hryhorenko, Vladyslav; Mieshkov, V.I.; Gubkina, V.V. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Information age has brought a new colossal change in a person’s habitual life. The level of computer literacy has grown greatly and even a middle level specialist is able to perform the tasks intended for the programming ...
    • Artificial Neural Networks 

      Gulko, Illya; Kirichenko, V.E.; Ivanchenko, I.A. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Artificial Neural Network is a mathematical model, made in the form of software or hardware, built on the principle of biological neural networks of living cells. The neural network is a system of connected processors ...
    • The Importance and Problems of Big Data 

      Grudev, Anton; Korotenko, L.M.; Nechai, N.M. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      In the era of high-tech we can hear the term Big Data more and more often. This fact indicates that the importance of Big Data constantly increases. This term is also used with related concepts such as Business Intelligence ...
    • Technologies for the Disabled 

      Grechikhina, Julia; Martynenko, A.A.; Nechai, N.M. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Nowadays computers have taken the dominant role in our society.Most jobs now require access to computers and the Internet. But what happens if a person is blind, deaf or physically disabled? The latest technologies are ...
    • Methodology for Minimization of Information Risks in Case of Firing Private Companies Employees 

      Goloborodko, Vasilisa; Mieshkov, V.I.; Gubkina, V.V. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Almost each employee of the company owns such important data as confidential documents, contracts, client database etc. In the case of firing the employee is possible to take out the data being confidential for the company ...
    • Technological Singularity 

      Garzha, N.S.; Marchenko, V.T.; Zhukova, I.A.; Ivanchenko, I.A. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Hypothetically, technological singularity is considered as irreversible changes to the mankind resulted from technological growth due to the invention of artificial super intelligence (AI). The major concern is that AI ...
    • Intuitive Intelligence 

      Dzbanovskii, Yurii; Korotenko, L.M.; Nechai, N.M. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Living in the world of clever devices, using them every hour for our needs, we can`t imagine that something can change dramatically, but it exactly will. In about 20 years we can become witnesses of a new period when the ...
    • Evidences of World`s Technical Revolution 4.0 

      Demchenko, Maxim; Udovik, I.M.; Zuyenok, I.I. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Over last three centuries industry as it is now has dramatically changed and developed from global urbanization and steam machines to invention of PC with variety of digital devices and spreading of the Internet. The ...
    • The Effects of Electronic Media on Children 

      Davydova, Oleksandra; Zheldak, T.A.; Sukhova, V. V. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Nowadays, mobile phone, the Internet, mp3 player are important parts of our lives. They have a great influence over all age groups. Gadget dependency especially concerns children who are affected a lot by all kinds of ...
    • The Future of Programming 

      Cherechecha, Iryna; Biletska, Anastasia; Martynenko, A. A.; Zuyenok, I. І. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Nowadays digital literacies are one of the requirements to employees in various areas of human activities, where programming which belongs to computer sciences is seen as a bonus when applying for a job. Some predictions ...
    • Personal Data Leaks as a Problem of Cyber Safety 

      Bryzhata, Natalia; Saksonov, G.M.; Zabolotnikova, V.V. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Data leak or data breach is a serious problem of global scale. at the moment it is of increased interest in Ukraine which is caused by unstable political and economic situation. Analysing the most interesting cases of ...
    • 7 Tips How to Avoid Cybercrimes 

      Berezhnoy, Vladyslav; Shcherbakova, Elizaveta; Mieshkov, V. I.; Zuyenok, I. І. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      During last years, information technologies and social networks have gradually become an important part of human life. People send their personal information to the Internet and don’t think much about what happens to it. ...
    • Dynamic Strain Measurements Using Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors 

      Yashchenko, Alona; Nazarenko, V.O.; Isakova, M.L. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Geodetic monitoring of structures like bridges or dams, and natural objects like slopes, and the determination of deformations has reached a high level of maturity considering the instrumental as well as the analysis ...
    • Hydropower Plants and Their Problems 

      Vekhnovskiy, Dmytro; Mamaykin, A.R.; Gubkina, V.V. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Approximately 23% of the world electric power is produced by hydroelectric power plants (HPP). This kind of power stations convert the kinetic energy of the falling water into the mechanical energy of the turbine's ...
    • Gas Hydrates as a New Type of Fuel 

      Tsivka, Yevhenii; Sai, K.S.; Gubkina, V.V. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      For millions of years the nature has accumulated a huge amount of mineral deposits that are successfully used by the humanity as energy sources during many centuries. But recently, an acute question concerning the length ...
    • Typen der Wärmebehandlung und ihre Spezifik 

      Tschornyy, Bohdan; Sabolotnyy, K.S.; Iaremenko, I.A. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)
      Wärmebehandlung ist ein Verfahren oder Verbindung mehrerer Verfahren zur Behandlung von Werkstücken. Das Prinzip dieses Verfahrens besteht in der Erwärmung und in der weiteren Abkühlung der Werkstücke, damit Werkstoff ...
    • The Application of Pulsating Resonance Fuel Burning during Steel- Teeming Ladles Drying and Heating Processes 

      Matsukevych, Maksym; Gichov, Yu. A.; Nikitina, I. P. (Видавництво НГУ, 2017)