• Digitization and artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry 

      Vlasenko, Bohdan Vitaliiovy; Khomenko, Volodymyr Lvovych (НТУ "Дніпровська політехніка", 2024-04)
      The oil and gas industry is undergoing significant changes driven by the adoption of digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies have the potential to significantly improve the efficiency, ...
    • Directions of development of digital society in Ukraine: by case of Dnipropetrovsk region 

      Kvitka, Sergiy; Mazur, Oleksandr (2020)
      The current stage of the information society has been investigated by the authors. Under the influence of development of new technologies, it has clear signs of a transition to a digital society. It has been proven in ...

      Strokan, Volodymyr Vitaliyovych; Khomenko, Volodymyr Lvovych (НТУ "Дніпровська політехніка", 2024-04)
      Drilling waste includes drilled rock or drill cuttings, spent drilling fluids, and drilling wastewater. Drilling also produces other wastes, but their volumes are relatively small. All three of these components of drilling ...

      Yermoshkina, Olena (2012)
      On the basis of comparative analysis of the results of economic, production and environ- mental activity and indexes that testify the quality of life in context of environment of European countries the main trends of ...
    • Economic and environmental aspects of using mining equipment and emulsion explosives for ore mining 

      Kononenko, M.; Khomenko, O.; Myronova, I.; Kovalenko, I. (2022)
      The calculation of economic efficiency during the preparatory mine operations using various mining equipment and types of explosives was performed. The general exponential regularity of determining the cost of carrying out ...
    • Educational potential of mass media: reality and prospects for e-learning 

      Shelomovska, Oksana; Sorokina, Lіudmyla; Romaniukha, Maryna; Sorokina, Natalya; Machulina, Iryna (2019)
      The article is devoted to educational, informative and cognitive functions of mass media. The paper discusses a modern scope of the use of various media in teaching activities, as well as the need and motivation of public ...
    • Effect of mechanoactivated chemical additives on the process of gas hydrate formation 

      Bondarenko, V; Svietkina, O; Sai, K (2018-02)
      This study addresses the production of gas hydrate of methane with a high gas-hydrate-forming content in a solid phase in the isolated system at T=274 K and pressure of 5 MPa and presence of mechanically activated rocks ...
    • Effective response to student’s paper 

      Gubkina, V.V. (Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції,Національний гірничий університет, 2011)
    • Effective techniques in esp teaching and learning 

      Kostritskaya, S.I.; Shvets, O.D. (1-й международный научно-методический семинар «К трансферу научно-образовательных инновационных технологий через полиязычие», Казахский агротехнический университет имени С.Сейфуллина, 2013)
    • Effectiveness of Geo-Energy Usage during Underground Mining of Deposits 

      Khomenko, Oleh; Kononenko, Maxim; Astafiev, Denys (2017)
      Topicality of rock pressure energy usage in technologies of underground mining of deposits is revealed. Methodology of geo-energy processes research in the interior of the Earth is described. Energy theory of zonal ...
    • Electrical charges as catalysts of chemical reactions on a solid surface 

      Sobolev, V. V.; Bilan, N. V.; Baskevych, O. S.; Stefanovich, L. I. (Naukovyi Visnyk NHU, 2018)
      Purpose. To determine the change dependency of the potential energy of the chemical bond of a diatomic molecule on the value of the point charge and its distance to the bond using quantum mechanical calculation. Methodology. ...
    • Energy Efficiency and Economic Aspects of Mining Wastes Utilization within the Closed Cycle of Underground Gas Generator 

      Pivnyak, Gennadiy; Dychkovskyi, Roman; Falshtynskyi, Volodymyr; Cabana, Edgar Cáceres (Trans Tech Publications, 2017-11)
      Energy efficiency of coal gasification with possible utilization of mining wastes within ecologically closed gas generator cycle has been considered. Technical and technological performance of such gas generator and ...
    • Energy-efficient predictive control for field-orientation induction machine drives 

      Diachenko, G. G.; Schullerus, G.; Dominic, A.; Aziukovskyi, O. O. (2020)
      Мета. Підвищити енергоефективність векторно-керованого асинхронного електропривода під час перехідних процесів, коли змінюються умови навантаження, ураховуючи ефект насичення магнітної індукції. Методика. Задача оптимального ...
    • Enhancement of confined blasting of ore 

      Lyashenko, V. I.; Khomenko, O. E. (2019)
      Underground mining of ore deposits features worsening of geological and geotechnical conditions, exclusive standards of environmental protection and subsoil conservation as well as more stringent requirements of life safety ...
    • Entwicklung einer kommunikativen kompetenz 

      Umanez, T.D. (Nationale Bergbauuniversität Dnipropetrowsk, 2013)
    • Environmental assessment of the use of emulsion explosives in underground iron ore mining 

      Khomenko, O.; Kononenko, M.; Myronova, I.; Kosenko, A.; Cabana, Edgar Cáceres (2024)
      The article provides a comprehensive analysis of using TNT-free explosives (E) in the iron ore mining sector in Ukraine. It delves into the development and application of a specific type of emulsion explosive known as ...
    • Environmental safety of phytogenic fields formation on coal mines tailings 

      Popovych, Vasyl; Bosak, Pavlo; Petlovanyi, Mykhailo; Telak, Oksana; Karabyn, Vasyl; Pinder, Volodymyr (2021)
      Objective of the study is to research peculiarities of phytogenic fields formation of natural and artificial plantations of shrub and ruderal vegetation on coal mining waste heaps within the Novovolynsk mining area (Ukraine). ...
    • Establishing a cross-cultural awareness at business foreign language courses 

      Gubkina, V.V.; Morozova, T.I. (Матеріали III Міжнародної наукової конференції “Навчання загальновживаної та ділової англійської мови у Східній Європі : для чого та як?”, Дніпропетровський університет економіки та права, 2009)
    • Evaluation of efficiency and environmental safety of leaching metals from ore: ways of development and prospects 

      Lyashenko, V.; Khomenko, O.; Chekushina, T.; Dudar, T.; Topolnij, F. (2021)
      The object of research is traditional mining technologies and technical means in combination with underground block leaching (UBL) of metals from rock ores with their preliminary crushing with explosives in installations ...
    • Examination of density and detonation velocity of emulsion explosives 

      Kononenko, M.; Khomenko, O.; Kovalenko, I.; Myronova, I. (2022)
      Purpose. To develop a method for calculating the change in the density of emulsion explosives (EE) along the length of the charge column under the action of hydrostatic pressure at different angles of inclination of the ...