Browsing Volume 11, Issue 4 by Title
Now showing items 4-14 of 14
Evaluation of some renewable energy technologies
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. The study aims to outline and compare various renewable energy alternatives in view of the global warming crisis and depletion of fossil fuels which cause emissions of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a major ... -
Experimental determination of angle values of the rocks full displacement when undermining them by breakage headings
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. Experimental determination of angle changes of full displacement of rocks by removing the breakage face from the face entry in different mining and geological conditions. Methods. On the basis of experimental ... -
Experimental studies on the shear resistance of original coal-shale joint
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. Experimental study and theoretical modeling of the shear resistance of original coal-shale joint. Methods. A two-segment model was developed to describe the shear resistance-shear displacement curves obtained ... -
Formation of integrated energy efficiency indicator for mining industry companies
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. Justification of the principles for assessing the competitive status of Ukrainian mining companies’ energy efficiency as a derivative of electricity consumption and qualitative estimation of the companies’ competitive ... -
Friction of flexible friction effect and general law on friction in operation of transport machines with flexible tie body
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. The justification of the new equation of friction of flexible bodies, which confirm the concepts of friction of bodies during operation of transport machines with flexible tie body. Methods. A comparison of the ... -
Nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine: production, science, education
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. To define relevant problems and propose ways for development of production, scientific and educational spheres associated with nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine. Methods. The current state of uranium and ... -
Physical and chemical conditions for the formation of mercuric gold within Au-Hg deposits (thermodynamic modeling)
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. To carry out computer thermodynamic modeling of gold and mercury behaviour in the context of their common occurrence and formation of mercuric gold in hydrothermal solutions Cl– – HCO3– – Na+ and Cl– – Na+ – Ca2+ ... -
Problems of research and mining of gas deposits on the Moon
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. The study of the main types of the most valuable lunar resources, such as water, hydrogen, oxygen and other gases in the lunar regolith, and the identification of the main methods and technical solutions for their ... -
Research іnto the mechanіsm of aggregate-formіng objects contact wіth oіl aggregatіon of fіnely-dіspersed coal
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. To investigate separate phases inherent to the process of “reagent – coal grain” contact during oil aggregation of coal, in particular, to analyze the following phases of the contact process: “encounter of ... -
Selection of gathering autotransport for the systems of cyclical-and-continious technology
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. Usage of technological gathering auto transport of the rational unit capacity and maximum level of consumer properties. Methods. Optimization of gathering auto transport equipment parameters, as well as rational ... -
Study of the process of coal transfer by means of auger effector within the aggregate of boiling bed
(National Mining University, 2017-12-30)Purpose. The development and analysis of operation of a boiling bed aggregate with auger effector to feed and transfer coal inside a working chamber in the process of its thermal destruction. Methods. Method of graph ...