ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS AND SYSTEMS for 122 specialty «Computer Science» / life .: I.M. Udovik, G.M. Korotenko, L.M. Korotenko, V.A. Trusov, A.T. Kharj. – D.: State University «National Mining University», 2017. – 100 p.
Трусов, В. О.
Удовик, І. М.
Коротенко, Г. М.
Коротенко, Л. М.
Харь, А. Т.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
At present, there is no single and universally recognized, accurate and
comprehensive definition of the advanced scientific direction called "artificial
intelligence" (AI), as, indeed, there is no universal definition of the human
Wikipedia, defines the field of research and applications of AI, (English
artificial intelligence, AI), as follows.
Artificial intelligence is: 1) the science and technology of creating intelligent
machines, especially intelligent computer programs; 2) the property of intellectual
systems to perform creative functions, which are traditionally considered the
prerogative of man.
- РВВ-2017 [42]