Browsing Періодичні видання НТУ "Дніпровська політехніка" by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 3515
3D CFD модель оценки территориального риска в условиях застройки
(2018)На основе разработанной трехмерной численной модели проведен вычислительный эксперимент по оценке территориального риска в случае эмиссии химического агента в условиях застройки. Вычислительный эксперимент проведен ... -
50 лет Приднепровской лаборатории ГП "Укрнииуглеобогащение"
(2010)Викладено досягнення колективу Придніпровської лабораторії ДП "Укрндівуглезбагачення" за 50 років науково-виробничої діяльності. -
A resource efficient and environmentally safe charge structure for mining in an open-pit
(Dnipro University of Technology, 2021-12-30)Purpose. The purpose is to reduce mineral losses during the explosive destruction of rocks and environmental pollution by harmful gases and fine particulate matter. Methods. To achieve the objectives of the study, methods ... -
A study on the physical and mechanical properties of a granite outcrop for a quarry at Onikoko community, Oyo State, South-Western Nigeria
(Dnipro University of Technology, 2021-03-31)Purpose. To investigate the physical and mechanical properties of a granite outcrop for a quarry at Onikoko community in Oyo State, South-Western Nigeria. Methods. Samples of granite rock were collected from the outcrop ... -
Acoustic principles of jet grinding monitoring
(2013)Сформульовано акустичні принципи аналізу показників здрібнювання на основі експе-риментальних даних акустичного моніторингу зони подрібнення струминної подрібнювальної установки. Запропоновано акустичні критерії оцінки ... -
Adaptive control of drilling by identifying parameters of object model under nonstationarity conditions
(National Mining University, 2020-03-30)Purpose. The research is intended to investigate and synthesize adaptive control over drilling by identifying parameters of an object model under non-stationarity conditions. Methods. Under conditions of rapidly changing ... -
An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to model the uniaxial compressive strength of cemented hydraulic backfill
(National Mining University, 2018-06-30)Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to develop the models for predicting the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of cemented hydraulic backfill (CHB), a widely used technique for filling underground voids created by ... -
Analysis and improvement of the methodology for solving the braking task of open-pit rail transport
(2024)The originality. For the first time, a detailed analysis of the braking calculation algorithm for railway transport, as outlined in the methodology of the current Norms of technological design for mining enterprises with ... -
Analysis of blasted rocks fragmentation using digital image processing (Case study: Limestone quarry of Obajana Cement Company)
(Dnipro University of Technology, 2021-12-30)Purpose. Blasting is an important aspect of mining activities in which fragmentation is the key component that determines its efficiency. Fragmentation is the first result of blasting, and is directly related to the costs ... -
Analysis of current and voltage harmonics introduced by the drive systems of a bucket wheel excavator
(National Mining University, 2020-12-30)Purpose. The quality of electricity is a problem of major interest, making it necessary to analyze the factors and causes that result in the worsening of the electric energy quality. An important aspect of electricity ... -
Analysis of gas hydrate deposits development by applying elements of hydraulic borehole mining technology
(National Mining University, 2017-06-30)Purpose. To substantiate and develop the principal schematics suitable for the existing technological level and method of gas hydrates production from the offshore fields. Methods. Analysis of properties inherent to gas ... -
Analysis of magnetic treatment of production fluid with high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits
(National Mining University, 2017-06-30)Purpose. Justification of magnetic field application in order to prevent formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) in oil and gas equipment, and consider some current views on the state of ARPD problem in oilfield ... -
Analysis of miners’ biomechanical characteristics during underground coal mining
(National Mining University, 2016-12-30)Purpose. Analysis and establishing regularities of changes in miner’s biomechanical characteristics during underground coal mining in order to reduce the number of accidents and injuries in coal mines. Methods. The complex ... -
Analysis of operation parameters of partial backfilling in the context of selective coal mining
(National Mining University, 2019-12-30)Purpose is to determine factors of effect of mechanical parameters and geometry of packs, constructed using the undercut rocks in the process of selective coal mining, on the state of geomechanical system within a mine ... -
Analysis of possibilities to increase oil recovery with the use of nitrogen in the context of deep oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk oil-and-gas Ukrainian province
(National Mining University, 2019-12-30)Purpose is to increase oil recovery of deep oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk oil-and-gas Ukrainian province with the use of nitrogen. Methods. Experiments, intended to residual oil displacement with the use of different ... -
Analysis of the efficiency of geomechanical model of mine working based on computational and field studies
(National Mining University, 2018-12-30)Purpose is to substantiate the efficiency of geomechanical model of the mine working on the basis of qualitative and quantitative parameters of stress and strain state of the mine working and to compare the results of ... -
Analysis of the factors influencing the level of professional health and the biological age of miners during underground mining of coal seams
(National Mining University, 2018-09-30)Purpose. Setting of the work environment of workers at mining enterprises during thin coal seams extraction influence on the character and the rate of their aging by determination of the biological age and estimation of ... -
Analysis of the stress deformed state of rocks around the haulage roadway of the Beskempir field (Kazakhstan)
(National Mining University, 2020-09-30)Purpose. To perform research and detailed analysis of the stress deformed state of rocks around the haulage roadway based on the numerical modeling with the purpose to select the rational type and design of the haulage ...