Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 25-кві-2016 | Industrial research into massif zonal fragmentation around mine workings | Khomenko, О; Kononenko, M; Netecha, M |
 | 22-кві-2016 | Research into stress-strain state of reinforced marginal massif of extraction mine working by combined anchoring system | Kovalevska, I; Barabash, M; Gusiev, O |
 | 22-кві-2016 | Efficiency of energy resource production while optimizing parameters of socio-economic balance | Fomychov, V |
 | 22-кві-2016 | Technological, economic and ecological aspects of selective coal mining from ultra-thin seams in conditions of Ukraine | Astafiev, D; Niedbalski, Z; Leschhorn, F; Tymoshenko, Ye |
 | 22-кві-2016 | Multi-purpose sorbent production by coal ash recycling | Svetkina, O; Tarasova, H; Netiaga, O |
 | 22-кві-2016 | Recommended practice for using resource-saving technologies and tools for fine classification of uranium ores by size and refuse dehydration | Shevchenko, V; Shevchenko, G; Lebed, G |
 | 22-кві-2016 | Research into parameters characterizing the process of withdrawing clay-mud formations from bore hole vuggy zones | Ighnatov, A |
 | 22-кві-2016 | Implementing FLAC3D model for simulating deformation mechanism of steel frame support set by actual profile | Nazymko, V; Griniov, V |
 | 17-кві-2016 | Increasing stability of underground mine workings by forming new geotechnical properties of adjoining layers via roller compaction | Kravets, V; Zaychenko, S; Gayko, G |
 | 17-кві-2016 | Destruction of rocks by the non-explosive depleting compounds during mining | Sakhno, S; Kobylianskyi, B; Sakhno, I |
 | 11-кві-2016 | Substantiation of cable bolts parameters for supporting mine workings in conditions of laminated rocks | Khalymendyk, Y; Baryshnikov, A |
 | 11-кві-2016 | Assessment of environmental and technical risks in the process of mining on the basis of numerical simulation of geofiltration | Sadovenko, I; Zagrytsenko, A; Podvigina, O; Dereviagina, N |
 | 11-кві-2016 | Substantiating parameters of stratification cavities formation in the roof rocks during underground coal gasification | Falshtynskyi, V; Lozynskyi, V; Saik, P; Dychkovskyi, R; Tabachenko, M |
 | 11-кві-2016 | Concept of the journal “Mining of Mineral Deposits” Of the National Mining University” | ; Bondarenko, V; Lozynskyi, V; Kovalevska, I; Sai, K; Vvedenska, T |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14