Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Improving state regulation of sustainable development of fuel and energy resources in Ukraine | Zhykaliak, M; Lukinov, V |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Application of shock blasting mode in mine roadway construction | Mineev, S; Yanzhula, O; Hulai, O; Minieiev, O; Zabolotnikova, V |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Technological characteristics of the device for bore hole cleaning | Ighnatov, A |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Organization of dumping stations with combined transport types in iron ore deposits mining | Shustov, O; Dryzhenko, A |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Studying a crack initiation in terms of elastic oscillations in stress strain rock mass | Sdvyzhkova, O; Golovko, Yu; Dubytska, M; Klimenko, D |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Prediction of contamination level of the atmosphere at influence zone of iron-ore mine | Myronova, I |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Influence of watering filled-up rock massif on geomechanical stability of the cyclic and progressive technology line | Kovrov, O; Babiy, Ye; Rakishev, B; Kuttybayev, A |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Influence of configuration chambers on the formation of stress in multi-modulus mass | Petlovanyi, M |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Modeling of bearing massif condition during chamber mining of ore deposits | Khomenko, O; Kononenko, M; Danylchenko, M |
 | 1-лип-2016 | State analysis of overworked and underworked parting between contiguous seams and during their simultaneous top-down mining | Barabash, M |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Development and analysis of computational model of geomechanical system “layered massif – working support” | Fomychov, V; Pochepov, V; Lapko, V; Fomychova, L |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Mathematical modeling of hydraulic mining from placer deposits of minerals | Malanchuk, Z; Malanchuk, Ye; Khrystiuk, A |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Applying noncantilevered support of mechanized complexes for developing flat seams | Busylo, V; Savelieva, T; Serdyuk, V |
 | 1-лип-2016 | Tendencies of coal industry development in Ukraine | Snihur, V; Malashkevych, D; Vvedenska, T |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14