Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 7-кві-2017 | Recycling of Prydniprovska thermal power plant fly ash | Perkov, Ye; Perkova, T |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Computational model for evaluating the state of geomechanical systems during computing experiments | Fomychov, V; Pochepov, V; Fomychova, L; Lapko, V |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Results of research into amber mining by hydromechanical method | Malanchuk, Z; Korniienko, V; Malanchuk, Ye |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Technology of micro-cement injection of destroyed and fractured massif at orlovsky mine | Krupnik, L; Shaposhnik, Yu; Shaposhnik, S; Konurin, A |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Study of massif stress-strain state while mining the series of flat strata | Busylo, V; Savelieva, T; Serdyuk, V; Saveliev, V; Demchenko, Yu |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Formation peculiarities of physical and chemical composition of highly mineralized edge water | Mandryk, O; Pukish, A; Zelmanovych, A |
 | 6-кві-2017 | The procedure for determining pressure losses in washing fluid flow in hydraulic system of the core barrel | Kozhevnykov, A; Dreus, A; Baochang, L |
 | 6-кві-2017 | The rate of deformation development in the rock massif on the basis of surveying monitoring on the earth surface | Chetveryk, M; Bubnova, O; Babiy, K |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Research of rock pressure manifestations in rocks of parting during descending and simultaneous mining of C9 and C10Top coal seams | Kovalevska, I; Symanovych, H; Barabash, M; Snihur, V |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Structural, tectonic and fluid-dynamic aspects of deep degassing of the black sea megatrench | Kobolev, V |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Improving efficiency of information measurement system of coal mine air gas protection | Vovna, O; Zori, A; Laktionov, I |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Coal industry in the context of Ukraine economic security | Mamaikin, O; Kicki, J; Salli, S; Horbatova, V |
 | 6-кві-2017 | Local reinforcing of footing supported in the destroyed rock massif | Sakhno, I; Isayenkov, O; Rodzin, S |
| 6-кві-2017 | The first year of implementing a new concept of the journal “Mining of Mineral Deposits” of the National Mining University | Lozynskyi, V; Sai, K; Vvedenska, T |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14