Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Hydro-thermodynamic model of deep-water hydraulic lift of 3-phase fluid considering heat-mass-exchange processes | Samusia, V; Kyrychenko, V; Kyrychenko, Ye; Ilina, S; Antonenko, A |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Effect of rocks displacement activation on the formation of the surface trough during anthracite seams extraction | Filatiev, M |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Modeling hydrodynamics of the flushing fluid intermittent flow in the hydraulic system of the diamond bit | Dreus, A; Lysenko, K; Kozhevnykov, A; Liu, B |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Distant interaction of rock mass clusters around underground opening | Griniov, V; Zakharova, L; Diedich, I; Nazymko, V |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Experience of metal deposits combined development for South African enterprises | Golik, V; Komashchenko, V; Morkun, V; Burdzieva, O |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Ecological and technological aspects of iron-ore underground mining | Khomenko, O; Kononenko, M; Myronova, I |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Analysis of gas hydrate deposits development by applying elements of hydraulic borehole mining technology | Pedchenko, M; Pedchenko, L |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Scientific and technical fundamentals for explosive destruction of the mass composed of rocks with different hardness | Zairov, Sh; Ravshanova, M; Karimov, Sh |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Evolution of cracks in selvedge of the coal bed during its stationary working | Feldman, E; Kalugina, N; Chesnokova, O |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Modeling the drainage facilities operation at the prospective construction site on the Dnipro floodland | Tymoshchuk, V; Sherstiuk, Ye; Niedbalski, Z; Morozova, T |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Analysis of magnetic treatment of production fluid with high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits | Kharchenko, M; Manhura, A; Manhura, S; Lartseva, I |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Mathematical modeling of unsteady water filtration into anchored mine opening | Krukovskyi, O; Krukovska, V; Vynohradov, Yu |
 | 5-лип-2017 | Peculiarities of britlle and ductile materials destruction and deformation during the explosion of industrial shaped charges | Voitenko, Yu; Kravets, V; Shukurov, A; Drachuk, O |
 | 4-лип-2017 | Technological safety of sustainable development of coal enterprises | Bondarenko, V; Cherniak, V; Cawood, F; Chervatiuk, V |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14