Volume 12, Issue 2 : [14] Головна сторінка зібрання Перегляд статистики

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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14
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08_Falshtynskyi, Saik, Lozynskyi, Dychkovskyi, Petlovanyi.pdf.jpg25-чер-2018Innovative aspects of underground coal gasification technology in mine conditionsFalshtynskyi, V; Saik, P; Lozynskyi, V; Dychkovskyi, R; Petlovanyi, M
14_Pedchenko, Niemchenko, Pedchenko, Pedchenko.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Use of alternative energy sources to improve the efficiency of natural gas hydrate technology for gas offshore deposits transportationPedchenko, L; Niemchenko, K; Pedchenko, N; Pedchenko, M
13_Ivšinović, Pleteš, Marinić.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Production of hydrocarbons from weakly consolidated sandstone reservoirs in the Croatian part of the Pannonian basin systemIvšinović, J; Pleteš, V; Marinić, M
12_Bondarenko, Sai, Prokopenko, Zhuravlov.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Thermodynamic and geomechanical processes research in the development of gas hydrate deposits in the conditions of the Black SeaBondarenko, V; Sai, K; Prokopenko, K; Zhuravlov, D
11_Farmaki, Vorrisi, Karakasi, Moutsatsou.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018The role of limestone and dolomite tailings’ particle size in retention of heavy metals from liquid wasteFarmaki, S; Vorrisi, E; Karakasi, O; Moutsatsou, A
10_Sakhno, Sakhno, Kurdiumow, Shvets.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Studies of new nonadhesive anchoringSakhno, I; Sakhno, S; Kurdiumow, D; Shvets, I
09_Malanchuk, Korniienko, Malanchuk, Soroka, Vasylchuk.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Modeling the formation of high metal concentration zones in man-made depositsMalanchuk, Z; Korniienko, V; Malanchuk, Ye; Soroka, V; Vasylchuk, O
07_Marian, Marian.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Prognosis of surface deformation by the influence function method in terms of Paroseni mine (Romania)Marian, R; Marian, D
06_Tjiparuro, Kgengwenyane, Oageng.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Research, science, technology, and innovation parks: reviewing both mining and research tendenciesTjiparuro, Z; Kgengwenyane, O; Oageng, M
05_Abdellah, Beblawy, Mohamed.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Evaluation of open pit slope stability using various slope angles and element typesAbdellah, W; Beblawy, M; Mohamed, M
04_Kajzar.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Geodetic and seismological observations applied for investigation of subsidence formation in the CSM Mine (Czech Republic)Kajzar, V
03_Choudhary.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Research into the effect of gallery size on blast pull in underground coal minesChoudhary, B
02_Cawood, Ashraf.pdf.jpg19-чер-2018Towards safer mining: the role of modelling software to find missing persons after a mine collapseCawood, F; Ashraf, H
01_Basarir, Bin, Fourie, Karrech, Elchalakani.pdf.jpg18-чер-2018An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to model the uniaxial compressive strength of cemented hydraulic backfillBasarir, H; Bin, H; Fourie, A; Karrech, A; Elchalakani, M
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14