Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Prospective tendencies of coal mining risk management | Ilyashov, M; Diedich, I; Nazimko, V |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Experimental study of the thermal reaming of the borehole by axial plasmatron | Voloshyn, O; Potapchuk, I; Zhevzhyk, O; Yemelianenko, V; Zhovtonoha, M; Sekar, M; Dhunnoo, N |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Variations of physico-mechanical, mineralogical and geochemical properties of marble under the influence of weathering | Ogunsola, N.O.; Lawal, A.I.; Saliu, M.A. |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Applying European approach to predict coal self-heating in Ukrainian mines | Gamiy, Yu; Liashok, Ya; Kostenko, V; Zavialova, O; Kostenko, T; Kostyrka, O |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Lifelong learning competence development of mining students and academic integrity: case study of language courses | Nesterova, O |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Mineral resources and national economic security: current features | Sekerin, V; Dudin, M; Gorokhova, A; Bank, S; Bank, O |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Geological features and marble production qualities of Western Turkey | Ozcelik, M; Leventeli, Y |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Modelling of deep wells thermal modes | Bulat, A; Blyuss, B; Dreus, A; Liu, B; Dziuba, S |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Regularities of hydromechanical amber extraction from sandy deposits | Malanchuk, Ye; Korniienko, V; Moshynskyi, V; Soroka, V; Khrystyuk, A; Malanchuk, Z |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Finite element method applied in mine pressure computation within the context of rock massif – support system interaction | Toderaş, M; Moraru, R; Danciu, C |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Review of man-made mineral formations accumulation and prospects of their developing in mining industrial regions in Ukraine | Petlovanyi, M; Kuzmenko, O; Lozynskyi, V; Popovych, V; Sai, K; Saik, P |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Non-destructive testing of rock bolt fastening as an element of monitoring the state of mine workings | Skipochka, S; Krukovskyi, O; Serhiienko, V; Krasovskyi, I |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Evaluation of some ceramic properties of Gadabiu clay deposit (Kwali Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria) | Osemenam, R.A.; Afeni, T.B.; Alfred, V.A.; Onwualu-John, J.N. |
 | 29-бер-2019 | Study on low-grade galena-barite ore beneficiation in Khuzdar, Balochistan, Pakistan | Raza, M.A.; Bhatti, M.A.; Nasir, S; Bashir, F; Mahmood, Z; Kazmi, K.R.; Hafeez, I |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14