Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 15 з 15
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Features of legal support for the operation of small atypical Ukrainian coal mines under contractual conditions of a public-private partnership | Kirin, Roman; Hryshchak, Sergii; Illarionov, Oleksandr |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Ecological patterns for vegetation cover formation in the mining waste dumps of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin | Skrobala, Viktor; Popovych, Vasyl; Pinder, Volodymyr |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Mitigation of the environmental risks resulting from diesel vehicle operation at the mining industry enterprises | Kofanov, Oleksii; Vasylkevych, Oleksandr; Kofanova, Olena; Zozul’ov, Oleksandr; Kholkovsky, Yuriy; Khrutba, Viktoriia; Borysov, Oleksandr; Bobryshov, Oleksandr |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Substantiation and process design to manufacture polymer-concrete transfer cases for mining machines | Krupnik, Leonid; Yelemessov, Kasym; Beisenov, Baurzhan; Baskanbayeva, Dinara |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Research into the process of storage and recycling technogenic phosphogypsum placers | Moshynskyi, Viktor; Malanchuk, Zinovii; Tsymbaliuk, Valerii; Malanchuk, Larysa; Zhomyruk, Ruslan; Vasylchuk, Oleksandr |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Research into stress-strain state of the rock mass condition in the process of the operation of double-unit longwalls | Dychkovskyi, Roman; Shavarskyi, Iaroslav; Saik, Pavlo; Lozynskyi, Vasyl; Falshtynskyi, Volodymyr; Cabana, Edgar |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Prediction of tunnel boring machine penetration rate using ant colony optimization, bee colony optimization and the particle swarm optimization, case study: Sabzkooh water conveyance tunnel | Afradi, Alireza; Ebrahimabadi, Arash; Hallajian, Tahereh |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Modeling of the lifting of a heat transfer agent in a geothermal well of a gas condensate deposit | Fyk, Mykhailo; Biletskyi, Volodymyr; Abbood, Mohammed; Al-Sultan, Mohammed; Abbood, Majid; Abdullatif, Haval; Shapchenko, Yevhen |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Substantiation of the intensified dump reclamation in the process of field development | Kalybekov, Tursun; Rysbekov, Kanay; Sandibekov, Мanarbek; Bi, Yin Li; Toktarov, Ayan |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Geostatistical analysis of the nickel source in Gllavica mine, Kosovo | Zeqiri, Rafet |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Stability of the overworked slightly metamorphosed massif around mine working | Kovalevska, Iryna; Samusia, Volodymyr; Kolosov, Dmytro; Snihur, Vasyl; Pysmenkova, Tetiana |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Improvement of safety management system at the mining enterprises of Ukraine | Kobylianskyi, Borys; Mуkhalchenko, Hanna |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Mineral raw material disintegration mechanisms in ball mills and distribution of grinding energy between sequential stages | Malyarov, Petr; Dolgov, Oleksandr; Kovalev, Pavel |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Rock slope stability analysis using shear strength reduction technique (SSRT) – case histories | Abdellah, Wael R.; Hussein, Mamdouh Y.; Imbabi, Said S. |
 | 16-чер-2020 | Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of the production of separated mix of rare earth oxides based on Australian production route | Koltun, Paul; Klymenko, Vasyl |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 15 з 15