Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 16 з 16
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Risk assessment of radionuclide contamination spreading while flooding coal mined-out rocks | Sadovenko, Ivan; Ulytsky, Oleg; Zahrytsenko, Аlina; Boiko, Kateryna |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Probabilistic calculation in terms of deformations of the formations consisting of compacted overburden of Quarternary rocks | Vynnykov, Yurii; Kharchenko, Maksym; Dmytrenko, Viktoriia; Manhura, Andrii |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Review of unconventional hydrocarbon resources: production technologies and opportunities for development | Tolmachev, Oleg; Urunov, Asror; Muminova, Shоhzodahon; Dvoichenkova, Galina; Davydov, Ilya |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Development of the landslide risk classification for natural and man-made slopes based on soil watering and deformation extent | Kovrov, Oleksandr; Kolesnyk, Valerii; Buchavyi, Yurii |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Research into leaching of uranium from core samples in tubes using surfactants | Rakishev, Bayan; Mataev, Mukhametkali; Kenzhetaev, Zhiger; Altaybayev, Bagdat; Shampikova, Assel |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Substantiating velocity of amber buoying to the surface of sludge-like rock mass | Korniienko, Valerii; Nadutyi, Volodymyr; Malanchuk, Yevhenii; Soroka, Valerii; Yeluzakh, Mukhtar |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Dynamic analysis of well equipment to produce oil | Grudz, Volodymyr; Grudz, Yaroslav; Bevz, Volodymyr; Chernetsky, Mykhailo |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Research into balance of rocks and underground cavities formation in the coal mine flowsheet when mining thin seams | Petlovanyi, Mykhailo; Malashkevych, Dmytro; Sai, Kateryna; Zubko, Serhii |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Substantiation of the methodology for modeling and calculating the optimal operating modes of a tandem pumping installation when mining uranium | Myrzakhmetov, Beibit; Sultabayev, Arkhat; Toktamissova, Saltanat |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Determining local wetness conditions within the mined lands using GIS | Skrypnyk, Oleh; Shapar, Arkadii; Taranenko, Oleh |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Studying the heavy metals concentration in discharged water from the Trepça Mine and flotation, Kosovo | Kadriu, Sadija; Sadiku, Milaim; Kelmendi, Mensur; Sadriu, Edona |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Analysis of current and voltage harmonics introduced by the drive systems of a bucket wheel excavator | Popescu, Florin Gabriel; Pasculescu, Dragos; Marcu, Marius Daniel; Pasculescu, Vlad Mihai |
 | 4-січ-2021 | Choosing a camera for mine surveying of mining enterprise facilities using unmanned aerial vehicles | Kalinichenko, Vsevolod; Dolgikh, Oleksandr; Dolgikh, Lubov; Pysmennyi, Serhii |
 | 4-січ-2021 | On the methodology for considering scale effect of rock strength | Skipochka, Serhii; Krukovskyi, Oleksandr; Palamarchuk, Tatiana; Prokhorets, Liliia |
 | 3-січ-2021 | Reservoir characteristics of the Miocene age formations at the Allas Dome, Hamrin Anticline, Northern Iraq | Fadhil, Doaa T.; Yonus, Wafaa Anmar; Theyab, Mustafa A. |
 | 3-січ-2021 | Surface mines composite slope deformation mechanisms and stress distribution | Barvor, Yamah J.; Bacha, Sher; Qingxiang, Cai; Zhao, Chen S.; Siddique, Mohammad |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 16 з 16