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dc.contributor.authorBakutin, A. V.-
dc.identifier.citationBakutin A. V. Optimalspeed controller with predetermined difficulty / A.V. Bakutin / Гірнича електромеханіка та автоматика : наук. - техн. зб. / [гол. ред. Г. Г. Півняк] ; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Держ. вищий навч. закл. “Нац. гірн. ун-т” - Дніпропетровськ : НГУ, 2013. - Вип. 91. – С. 62-68uk_UA
dc.description.abstractToday the engineering industry share of Ukraine is 12%, although in the early 90's it stood at 31% and was the basic industry of the country [1]. Dnipropetrovsk region engineering complex consists of 120 plants, which represent 10% of Ukrainian industry. The main improvement direction of economic development is the creation of the competitive engineering industry, that requires an infusion of new investment and the modernization of machine park. Process automation in engineering and widespread adoption of CNC machines in industry led to the nomination of strict requirements for main motion machine tool electric drives. At the present stage the machine tool industry development is characterized by the transition to continuous speed variation and simplification of the electric drive kinematic structure, that allow to increase productivity and quality of metal through the rational choice of the cutting mode.uk_UA
dc.subjectавтоматический регулятор скоростиuk_UA
dc.subjectнаучная публикация НГУ 2013uk_UA
dc.titleOptimalspeed controller with predetermined difficultyuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:ГЕА, 2013 рік, №91

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