Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 16 з 16
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Analyzing a denitration process in the context of underground well uranium leaching | Yussupov, Khalidilla; Aben, Erbolat; Omirgali, Armanbek; Rakhmanberdiyev, Azamat |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Hazards identification and risk analysis in surface mines of Pakistan using fault tree analysis technique | Sherin, Saira; Zahid-ur-Rehman; Hussain, Sajjad; Mohammad, Noor; Raza, Salim |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Management of land reclamation quality for agricultural use in opencast mining | Terekhov, Yevgen; Litvinov, Yurii; Fenenko, Volodymyr; Drebenstedt, Carsten |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Research into rock mass geomechanical situation in the zone of stope operations influence at the 10th Anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence mine | Matayev, Azamat; Kainazarova, Ainash; Arystan, Ibatolla; Abeuov, Yerkebulan; Kainazarov, Arman; Baizbayev, Makhmed; Demin, Vladimir; Sultanov, Muratbek |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Research into phosphate mineral composition and waste phosphorite ore | Proidak, Andrii; Gasyk, Mykhailo; Proidak, Yurii |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Openwork scheduling for steep-grade iron-ore deposits with the help of near-vertical layers | Panchenko, Valerii; Sobko, Borys; Lotous, Victor; Vinivitin, Dmytro; Shabatura, Viktor |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Numerical analysis of reducing tunneling effect on viaduct piles foundation by jet grouted wall | Asker, Kamel; Fouad, Mohmed Tarek; Bahr, Mohamed; El-Attar, Ahmed |
 | 11-кві-2022 | Regularities in the distribution of granulometric composition of tuff while crushing | Malanchuk, Yevhenii; Moshynskyi, Viktor; Denisyuk, Petro; Malanchuk, Zinovii; Khrystyuk, Andriy; Korniienko, Valerii; Martyniuk, Petro |
 | 31-бер-2022 | Application of grout slurries with the Defecate addition for effective well cementing | Petruniak, Maryna; Rubel, Victoriia; Chevhanova, Vira; Kulakova, Svitlana |
 | 31-бер-2022 | Geomechanics substantiation of pillars development parameters in case of combined mining the contiguous steep ore bodies | Takhanov, Daulet; Muratuly, Berikbol; Rashid, Zhuldyz; Kydrashov, Adilzhan |
 | 31-бер-2022 | Operational lifetime increase of the pumping equipment when pumping-out contaminated groundwater | Biloshytskyi, Mykola; Tatarchenko, Halyna; Biloshytska, Nataliia; Uvarov, Pavlo |
 | 31-бер-2022 | Nickel discretization and quality review in Gllavica mine, Kosovo | Zeqiri, Rafet |
 | 31-бер-2022 | A study on the physical and mechanical properties of a granite outcrop for a quarry at Onikoko community, Oyo State, South-Western Nigeria | Salati, Luqman Kareem; Adeyemo, Jacob Titilope |
 | 31-бер-2022 | Review of machine learning and deep learning application in mine microseismic event classification | Jinqiang, Wang; Basnet, Prabhat; Mahtab, Shakil |
 | 31-бер-2022 | Mineralogical characterization and evaluation of chromite ore in Grevena and Kozani Vourinos massif, Western Macedonia, Greece | Baklavaridis, Apostolos; Vatalis, Konstantinos; Karayannis, Vayos; Benetis, Ploutarchos-Nikolaos; Charalampides, Georgios |
 | 31-бер-2022 | Development and testing of an algorithm for calculating the load on support of mine workings | Bondarenko, Volodymyr; Kovalevska, Iryna; Cawood, Frederick; Husiev, Oleksandr; Snihur, Vasyl; Jimu, Dennis |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 16 з 16