Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.authorКузьменко, О.М
dc.contributor.authorПетльований, М.В
dc.description.abstractПриведені результати математичного моделюванням напруженого стану гірського маси- ву при розробці потужного крутого рудного покладу системами з високими очисними каме- рами та твердючим закладанням виробленого простору. Встановлено розташування областей нормальних напружень при різній міцності штучного масиву та глибину їх поширення за не- лінійною залежністюru_RU
dc.description.abstractПриведены результаты математического моделирования напряженного состояния масси- ва при разработке мощной крутой рудной залежи системами с высокими очистными камера- ми с твердеющей закладкой выработанного пространства. Установлено расположение облас- тей нормальных напряжений при разной крепости искусственного массива и глубину их рас- пространения по нелинейной зависимости.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractPurpose. Determination of weakened areas location on a contour of artificial massif of high chambers of second stage by means of numerical simulation of stress state in the zone of stopping operations influence during mining of iron-ore stocks on a footwall of deposit. Methods. Research of normal and stretching stresses distribution on a contour of artificial massif by means of numerical simulation conducting with the help of SolidWorks 2011 software. Findings. Location of weakened areas of artificial massif on a contour of stopping chambers of second stage is established by modeling. Weakened areas are possessed in curved areas of roof and bottom and also in central part of chamber sites. It is established that strengthened layer of artificial massif on a contour of under-the-roof part of stopping chambers decrease compression stresses in 3 times. Formation of stretching stresses is happened on a distance of 5 m, but increased stresses in 10 m, where their maximum reaches 5 MPa that leads to destruction of artificial massif. Received results are proved by natural observations on steadiness of high chambers according to works of other authors in open sources, that confirms about authenticity of received results and appropriateness of mathematical tool application. Originality. It is established that stretching stresses of different strength of artificial massif are expanded into depth and changes on non-linear dependence. Total trend of stresses decreasing is directed on increasing of artificial massif strength on a contour of its cropping out by stoping operations. Practical implications. Given results of research allow to predict stress state of artificial massif on a contour of stoping chambers of second stage and also to form massif in a position of strength and composition of backfilling mixture changing for collapses prevention and ore mass contamination.ru_RU
dc.publisherНаціональний гірничий університетru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofЗбірник наукових праць Національного гірничого університету
dc.subjectartificial massifru_RU
dc.subjectstopping chambersru_RU
dc.subjectnormal stressru_RU
dc.subjectnumerical simulationru_RU
dc.subjectbackfilling mixtureru_RU

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Zur Kurzanzeige