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dc.contributor.authorKhomenko, O.
dc.contributor.authorLyashenko, V.
dc.description.abstractThe scientific and practical results of the investigations in the domain of the geoenergetic monitoring methodology have been provided. The method of investigation of the zonal destruction processes of the massif surrounding the underground excavations has been described. There sults of the shaft, laboratory and experimental investigations, mathematical and physical simulation as well as the theoretic analysis and their summarizing based on the standard methodologies have been provided. The stable form of destruction of the development and breakage headings has been defined and change dependency of deformation depth of the development and breakage headings containing massif has been identified.ru_RU
dc.publisherMine surveying and subsurface useru_RU
dc.subjectmetalliferous depositsru_RU
dc.subjectunderground extractionru_RU
dc.subjectbreakage and development headingsru_RU
dc.subjectgeoenergetic monitoringru_RU
dc.titleDevelopment of the geoenergetic monitoring methodology during underground development of the ore depositsru_RU
dc.identifier.udk622.273: 622.349.5.001.5ru_RU

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