Geo-energetics of Ukrainian crystalline shield

Khomenko, O. Ye.
Kononenko, M. M.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Purpose. To develop an analytical method which allows investigating the energy condition of rocks within the Ukrainian Crystalline shield.
Methodology. Analytical research on the energy condition of rocks has been conducted by means of a new method of research – the entropy one. The research on processes of redistribution of potential energy in the massif of rocks was conducted by analogy with an open thermodynamic system. The accepted methodological approach allowed investigating processes of energy exchange in rocks and natural transformations of some types of energy to others.
Findings. The analysis is conducted and systematization of geodynamic conditions by underground mining of ore fields of Ukraine is executed. The ways of development of new hypotheses, theories and methods of research of the energy condition of rocks are given. The description perspective in world practice of a natural condition of rocks is enclosed. Components of redistribution of energy in the massif of rocks are defined: entropy, potential stresses and angles of their action. An inspection of the results obtained on convergence is conducted and corresponding conclusions on their application are drawn.
Originality. The thermodynamic balance in rocks of the Ukrainian Crystalline shield is formed due to equilibration of vertical and horizontal power streams which, with increasing mining depth, enhance components of a tensor of stress on sedate dependence, rejecting them from hydrostatic ones during increasing in mining depth.
Practical value. The entropy method of research which allows investigating natural state of rocks with increasing depth is developed. Classification of methods of research on the stress-strain state of rocks due to introduction of a synergetic group which includes entropy, thermodynamic and energy methods is improved. It is established that distribution of entropy in rocks of the Ukrainian Crystalline shield proceeds in mutually perpendicular directions, which correspond to vertical and horizontal energy streams.