Kinetic features of the dissociation process of gas hydrate deposits

Sai, K.
Petlovanyi, M.
Prokopenko, K.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The research is aimed at revealing the theoretical features of the kinetics of the process of
dissociation of natural gas hydrates, the accounting of which is useful in designing technologies for
their development. The process of decomposition of gas hydrates is considered as a heterogeneous
process, proceeding at the interface of the phases and contains three consecutive stages. The
mathematically grounded speed with which molecules fluctuate around fixed positions and the velocity
of their translational motion in the system “gas – rock environment”. The mathematical expression of
the constant coefficient of molecular diffusion is made. It has been established that when gas is
extracted from gas hydrates, external and internal diffusion zones, as well as diffusion inhibition, are
caused, which causes an increase in the decay time of gas hydrate to gas and water. The character of
the dependence of the change in the rate of dissociation during its various periods is revealed. It was
found that the speed of the dissociation process in these conditions varies with the temperature under
the exponential law