Justification of safe underground development of mountain deposits of complex structure by geophysical methods

Lyashenko, V.
Khomenko, O.
Chekushina, T.
Topolnij, F.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The object of research is the technology and technical means for underground mining of ores in energy disturbed massifs of complex structure. One of the most problematic areas is the formation of man-made voids, which affect the emergence and redistribution of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the rock mass. Their existence in the earth’s crust provokes the influence of geomechanical and seismic phenomena, up to the level of earthquakes.
The study used:
– data from literary sources and patent documents in the field of technologies and technical means for underground mining of ores in energy disturbed massifs of complex structure, substantiation of safe technological parameters of operating units;
– laboratory and production experiments;
– physical modeling and selection of compositions of hardening mixtures.
Analytical studies, comparative analysis of theoretical and practical results using standard and new methods were carried out with the participation of the authors.
The issues of geodynamic monitoring of the stress-strain state of the rock mass for the safe development of rock-type ore deposits are considered. The interaction of natural and man-made factors is shown to ensure the geomechanical balance of ore-bearing massifs and the earth’s surface in the area of subsoil development over a long period of time. The safe geometrical and technological parameters of the chamber system for the development of ore deposits of complex structure with backfilling of the worked-out space with hardening mixtures, including environmental safety, as well as the social factor, are substantiated, which are implemented in the instructions, standards and practice of ore mines in Ukraine. The research results can be used in underground mining of ore deposits of complex structure in Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and other developed mining countries of the world.