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dc.contributor.authorPistunov, Ihor
dc.contributor.authorAntonyuk, Oksana
dc.identifier.citationPistunov I. Financial aspects of the health of contaminated environments : монографія / Ihor Pistunov, Oksana Antonyuk ; М-во. освіти і науки України, Нац. техн. у-нт "Дніпровська політехніка". – Saarbrucken, Deutschland : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2019. – 114 р.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractA scientific task which contains complex methodical approach to the modeling and forecasting of economic compensation for the volume of social damage from technogenic pollution is resolved in the book. A scientific and methodical approach of prediction of volume of social damage on the basis of an economic-mathematical model is substantiated. The linear component of the model is calculated based on the regression model with constrains on the parameters which take into account priori information on the impact of anthropogenic pollution factors.uk_UA
dc.publisherLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishinguk_UA
dc.subjectекономічна компенсаціяuk_UA
dc.subjectтехногенне забрудненняuk_UA
dc.subjectсоціальне ушкодженняuk_UA
dc.subjectекономічно-математична модельuk_UA
dc.subjectантропогенні чинники забрудненняuk_UA
dc.titleFinancial aspects of the health of contaminated environmentsuk_UA

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