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dc.contributor.authorChekushkin, Nikita
dc.contributor.authorOlishevskiy, I. H.
dc.identifier.citationChekushkin N. Quantum cryptology issues / Nikita Chekushkin , I. H. Olishevskiy // Молодь: наука та інновації : матеріали 10-ої всеукр. наук.-техн. конф. студентів, аспірантів і молодих учених, м. Дніпро, 23–25 листопада 2022 р. – Дніпро : НТУ ДП, 2022.- С. 345-347uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the realities of the technological development of the digital environment, the role of data and information in them has changed significantly. Today, information is of tremendous importance both for international corporations and states, as well as for each of us, in particular. The issue of protecting information by transforming its appearance to prevent compromise (reading) by an outsider has been worrying the human race since ancient times. Cryptographic methods have become ubiquitous among all the ways to protect information from unauthorized persons. Cryptography is as old as human speech. Initially, writing itself was a cryptographic system, since in the ancient communes only a few owned it.uk_UA
dc.publisherНТУ ДПuk_UA
dc.subjectквантова криптологіяuk_UA
dc.subjectзахист інформаціїuk_UA
dc.titleQuantum cryptology issuesuk_UA

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