Public administration as a systemic phenomenon in society
Karpa, Marta
Akimova, Liudmyla
Akimov, Oleksandr
Serohina, Nataliia
Oleshko, Oleksii
Lipovska, Nataliia
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The article aims to reveal the concept and principles of public administration as a systemic phenomenon in society. The main task in management is the joint activity of people, their individual groups, and organizations, ensuring coordination and interaction, and its essence is in the implementation of a control effect on particular objects. Social management is a purposeful impact on society for its improvement, preservation, improvement, and development. It consists of two types: self-regulation of society and public administration. Management is purposeful, organizing and regulating influence of people on their personal, social, collective and group life activities, which is carried out both directly in the forms of self-government and with the help of specially created structures, such as the state, public associations, parties, unions, associations, firms and other organizations.