The emergence of deflationary cryptocurrencies: a new era of digital assets

Pistunov, Ihor Mykolayovych
Nikolaenko, Anastasiia Olehivna
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In recent years, cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular, and earning money from them has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people around the world, making them a subject of investment and a means of value storage. One of the most important aspects of cryptocurrencies is their impact on the economy and the financial system as a whole. In particular, some
cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, have a deflationary effect, which makes them attractive to investors seeking long-term value storage opportunities. The concept of deflation is becoming increasingly relevant in the world as we observe a decrease in the money supply in many countries, as well as an increase in the number of central banks that lower interest rates and print money. Thus, the growing interest in deflationary cryptocurrencies may be a response to
these economic trends.