Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 122
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Business Security Risk | Zubenko, Olga; Martynenko, A.A.; Gubkina, V.V. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Hackers | Zasipko, Julia; Konogray, N.A.; Nechai, N.M. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Social Engineering in the Context of Information Security | Volik, Pavel; Khar, A.T.; Zuyenok, I.I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Logistic Analysis of Enterprise Interaction Based on a Network Model | Us, Aleksandra; Kupenko, O.P.; Shvets, O.D. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Games for Business | Ukhlin, Anton; Slesarev, V.V.; Kostrytska, S. I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Future Evolutions of Mobile Internet | Talapova, Maya; Galushko, O.M.; Gubkina, V.V. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Reasons for Android OS Popularity | Stanislavskiy, Denis; Saveliev, V. A.; Morozova, T.I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Internet Starts with the Browser | Solonets, Katherine; Konogray, N.О.; Nechai, N.M. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Problem of Forming of Professional Linguistic Competence of Seamen by Learning the Words on the Basis of the Use of Semantic Classification | Skidanova, Helen; Tsalko, Ivan; Panov, S.F.; Kovalchuk, V.S. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Computer Science vs Information Technology | Shulgin, Nikita; Khar, A.T.; Zuyenok, I.I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | E-Learning Platform | Shkurat, Mariya; Pismenkova, Т.А.; Svizhevska, S.A. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Some Problems with Securing Information on Mobile Connections | Salnikov, Nikita; Galushko, O.M.; Gubkina, V.V. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Comparative Analysis of IPv4 and IPv6 Protocols | Rybina, Yana; Potyhenchenko, S.M.; Morozova, T.I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Hacking: Problems and Solutions | Purkar, Sergey; Gerasina, A.V.; Gubkina, V.V. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Formation of Expert Group for Assessment of Basic Elements of Open-pit Dump Trucks | Prokuda, Elina; Korsun, V.I.; Isakova, M.L. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Cloud Services: the Way from Formation to Perfection | Parnyuk, Alexander; Korotenko, L.M.; Zuyenok, I.I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | E-learning: IT Changes Modern Education | Okhrimenko, Artem; Korotenko, L.M.; Zuyenok, I.I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | GIMP vs Photoshop | Obuhova, Julia; Saveliev, V. A.; Morozova, T. I. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Is Wi-Fi Signal Harmful to Human Body? | Norets, Anna; Galushko, O.M.; Gubkina, V.V. |
 | 24-бер-2017 | Computer Networks | Merzliakova, Anastasia; Galinskaya, L.V. |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 122