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dc.contributor.authorShyshkova, Nataliia
dc.contributor.authorNebieridze, Davyd
dc.identifier.citationNataliia Shyshkova, Davyd Nebieridze MONITORING DER TÄTIGKEIT DER ÖRTLICHEN HAUSHALTE// L'Association 1901 "SEPIKE"( Frankfurt, Deutschland Poitiers, France Los Angeles, USA) Ausgabe 12, Р.176-180ru_RU
dc.description.abstractAbstract. The problems of financial independence of local budgets were analyzed. The structure of expenditures of local budgets of Ukraine was investigated. The key indicators of the organization and the functioning of local budgets were found. The organizational process of monitoring and algorithm of monitoring of the activity of local budgets were given.ru_RU
dc.subjectKey words: local budgets, local government, structure of local expenditures, system of local financeru_RU
dc.titleAnhaltsmonitoring der tätigkeit der örtlichen haushalteru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра міжнародних відносин і аудиту

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