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dc.contributor.authorFomina,Liudmila Vyacheslavovna
dc.identifier.citationFomina, L. V. (2018). A psychological motif for the popularity of a myth about Endymion and the Ukrainian translations of the literary endymionade Psychological Review (in print)
dc.description.abstractРopularity of mythological plot about Endymion is investigated. The author researches different versions of the myth to discover their dominate motifs: “BEAUTY - LOVE – IMMORTALITY”, which explain psychological peculiarities for the popularity of myth about Endymion and reflect the universal values, ideals that determine the spiritual experience of mankind in all socio-historical formations. An active creative reconsideration of a mythological material in the context of the world art is considered as basic tendencies of functioning of endymionade that means the interpretations of the ancient Greek myth about Endymion, distinguished by various forms of rethinking of the ancient material and reproduce the contemporary author's reality through the artistic prism based on sensual psychic perception of such universal values as beauty, love and immortality. The Ukrainian translations of the literature interpretations about Endymion are of particular interest. This article is believed to be the first step to investigate psychological peculiarities for the popularity of the functioning of the ancient myth about Endymion and opens the prospects for further consideration of literary endymionade like оrphism, faustiаnism, robinsonism, quixotism etc.ru_RU
dc.publisherin printru_RU
dc.subjectMyth, Endymion, The Goddess of the Moon, Beauty – Love – Immortality, An eternal sleep, Translation, Endymionade.ru_RU
dc.titleA psychological motif for the popularity of a myth about Endymion and the Ukrainian translations of the literary endymionaderu_RU
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