Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 41
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Selective underground mining of complex structured ore bodies of Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Basin | Kalinichenko, Vsevolod; Pysmennyi, Serhii; Shvaher, Nataliia; Kalinichenko, Olena |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Recommended and experimental values of the earth surface shift troughs parameters when conducting the stope works | Filatiev, Mykhailo; Filatieva, Elvira |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Development of a three-parameter model of the shoe brake contact interaction with the drum in mine hoisting machine | Zabolotnyi, Kostiantyn; Zhupiiev, Oleksandr; Molodchenko, Artur |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Physical simulation of integrated protective structures | Nehrii, Serhii; Nehrii, Tetiana; Piskurska, Hanna |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Technological aspects of technogenic disturbance liquidation in the areas of coal-gas deposits development | Mediаnyk, Volodymyr; Cherniaiev, Oleksii |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Substantiating operational parameters of load- haul-dumpers in the context of irregular-shaped underground mine workings | Shyrin, Leonid; Iniutkin, Ivan |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Integrated analysis of geofiltrational parameters in the context of underground coal gasification relying upon calculations and modeling | Inkin, Oleksandr; Tishkov, Volodymyr; Dereviahina, Nataliia; Sotskov, Vadym |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Scientific and methodological foundations to develop numerical hydrodynamical models of mine fields in Donbas | Zahrytsenko, Alina; Podvigina, Olena; Dereviahina, Nataliia |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Hereditary model of loose mined rock layer deformation in disintegrators | Nadutyi, Volodymyr; Tytov, Oleksandr; Cheberiachko, Ivan |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Parameters of selective martite ores disintegration in structured ore bodies deposits by borehole hydraulic monitors | Stupnik, Mykola; Tarasiutin, Viktor; Fedorenko, Pavlo |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Scientific-practical results of monitoring anthropogenic influence upon environment of mining territories | Kachurin, Nikolay; Komaschenko, Vitaliy; Golik, Vladimir; Morkun, Volodymyr |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Analysis of patterns of the open-pit mine water influx formation in the conditions of the Inhulets iron ore deposit using a three-dimensional geofiltration model | Tymoshchuk, Vasyl; Sherstiuk, Yevheniia; Morozova, Tamara |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Simulation of deposit parameters in underground development mining | Golik, Vladimir; Razorenov, Yuriy; Morkun, Volodymyr; Morkun, Nataliia |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Aboveground storage of hydrocarbon gas hydrates | Zotsenko, Mykola; Pedchenko, Larysa; Manhura, Andrii |
 | 20-лис-2018 | The study of melting process of the new plugging material at thermomechanical isolation technology of permeable horizons of mine opening | Sudakov, Andrii; Dreus, Andrii; Sudakova, Diana; Khamininch, Oleksandr |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Ash as an alternative source of raw materials | Svietkina, Olena; Tarasova, Hanna; Netiaha, Olha; Lysytska, Svitlana |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Specifics of hydro-loosening of coal seams with account of rocks displacement parameters | Zberovskyi, Vasyl; Bubnovа, Olena; Babii, Kateryna |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Results of the experimental research of the heat-transfer jet pressure to the rock surface during thermal reaming of the borehole | Voloshyn, Oleksii; Potapchuk, Iryna; Zhevzhyk, Oleksandr; Zhovtonoha, Mykola |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Destabilization of the hard coal microstructure by a weak electric field | Molchanov, Oleksandr; Rudakov, Dmytro; Soboliev, Valerii; Kamchatnyi, Oleksii |
 | 20-лис-2018 | Substantiating rational parameters of a method for shrinkage ore stoping while developing thin- vein steeply inclined deposits | Shyrin, Leonid; Koroviaka, Yevhenii; Rastsvietaiev, Valerii; Denyshchenko, Oleksandr |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 41