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dc.contributor.authorCheberiachko, Serhii
dc.contributor.authorYavorska, Olena
dc.contributor.authorCheberiachko, Yurii
dc.contributor.authorYavorskyi, Andrii
dc.identifier.citationAnalysis of pressure difference changes in respirator filters while dusting / Serhii Cheberiachko, Olena Yavorska, Yurii Cheberiachko, Andrii Yavorskyi // Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering : тези доп. міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (Berdyansk, Ukraine, September 4 - 8, 2018). – 2018.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractObjective is to determine the relation between pressure difference of a filter and parameters of a filtering layer to lengthen the protection period. The study involved elements of system analysis and mathematical modeling. Basic statements of the theory of nonstationary filtration and aerohydrodynamics were applied to develop a dust-loaded filter model. Dependence of pressure difference in a filter upon certain changes in packaging density of dust-loaded fibers has been determined; the dependence makes it possible to define minimum fiber packaging density to provide maximum dust capacity. To provide maximum dust capacity and high protective efficiency, the number of filtering layers in multilayered filters depends upon dust concentration within the air of the working zone, specified protection level of a respirator, air loss, and maximum dust volume which may be accumulated in the finishing filtering layer in terms of fiber packaging density being determined according to the minimum pressure difference in a filter at final time of respirator operation. A model of changes in pressure difference in filtering respirators in the process of aerosol particles depositing on filters has been improved; contrary to other available models, that one takes into consideration changes in fiber packaging density while dusting, filtration coefficient, and the amount of aerosol particles.ru_RU
dc.titleAnalysis of pressure difference changes in respirator filters while dustingru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering (Berdyansk, Ukraine, September 4 - 8, 2018)

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