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dc.contributor.authorAnisimov, Oleh
dc.contributor.authorSymonenko, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorCherniaiev, Oleksii
dc.contributor.authorShustov, Oleksandr
dc.identifier.citationFormation of safety conditions for development of deposits by open mining / Oleh Anisimov, Volodymyr Symonenko, Oleksii Cherniaiev, Oleksandr Shustov // Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering : тези доп. міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (Berdyansk, Ukraine, September 4 - 8, 2018). – 2018.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe researched parameters of the catching device, which ensures the safe operation of equipment and working people in deep open pits, where are formed the benches by steep dipping layers. For obtaining the results, the following methods were used: analytical – in determining existing devices for the capture of rocks; geometric – in determining the direction of the flight of blocks, semigraphical – in plotting and analyzing them. The modern technological catching devices, their structure, construction are analyzed. These structures protective devices can be used in deep pits in the development of deposits. Analytical dependence of the height of the jump the block of rock after hitting about a horizontal surface is improved, which takes into account the rate of falling and the angle of rebound the block, the elasticity of the surface. Creating of catching designs which capture the blocks of rock in the falling from the upper horizons in open pits allows to operate safely the mining equipment and to save the lives of workers. Especially this is important in the development of deposits by steep dipping layers. Proposed solutions can improve the safe using of dump trucks and moving workers in the work zone in the mining ledges of height over 30 meters.ru_RU
dc.titleFormation of safety conditions for development of deposits by open miningru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering (Berdyansk, Ukraine, September 4 - 8, 2018)

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