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dc.contributor.authorХоменко, Олег Евгеньевич
dc.contributor.authorВоробьев, Александр Егорович
dc.contributor.authorЛяшенко, Василий Иванович
dc.identifier.citationХоменко О. Е. Проблемы и перспективы подготовки специалистов для предприятий ядерно-топливного комплекса Украины / Хоменко Олег Евгеньевич, Воробьев Александр Егорович, Ляшенко Василий Иванович // Вестник Евразийской науки, 2018. - Т.10. – No 1. - С. 1-10.
dc.description.abstractAbstract. Purpose: To open problematics and to propose ways of development of production, scientific and educational spheres that providing nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine. Methods: The current state of uranium, zirconium and accompanying enterprises and also preparation of workers, engineering and highly-qualified personnel according to implementation of the State target economic program “Uranium of Ukraine” is analyzed. Findings: Problematics in development of production, scientific and educational spheres on the way of creation of closed nuclear-and-fuel cycle in Ukraine is analyzed. Originality: Creation of administrative-and-pedagogic, scientific-research inter-industry collective that will be capable to successful solution of production, scientific and educational problems in structural divisions of nuclear-and-fuel cycle of Ukraine. Practical implications: The foundation of creation of corporate educational institution of power orientations in Ukraine which systemically solves priorities in production, scientific and educational spheres of nuclear-and-fuel cycle is laid.ru_RU
dc.publisherPublishing company «World of science» \ Издательство «Мир науки»ru_RU
dc.subjectfuel element arrayru_RU
dc.subjectnuclear-and-fuel cycleru_RU
dc.subjecthighly-qualified personnelru_RU
dc.titleПроблемы и перспективы подготовки специалистов для предприятий ядерно-топливного комплекса Украиныru_RU
dc.title.alternativeProblems and perspectives of preparing specialists for the enterprises of nuclear fuel complex of Ukraineru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра гірничої інженерії та освіти

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