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dc.contributor.authorTugarinov, P.-
dc.contributor.authorTruckenmüller, F.-
dc.contributor.authorNold, B.-
dc.identifier.citationTugarinov P. Virtual power plant demonstration platform / P. Tugarinov, F. Truckenmüller, B. Nold // Форум гірників – 2019 : матеріали міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 26-27 верес. 2019 р. До 120-річчя заснування Університету. – Дніпро : Журфонд, 2019. – С. 332-338.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe Virtual Power Plant Neckar-Alb is a demonstration platform for operation, optimization and control of distributed energy resources, which are able to produce, store or consume electric energy. A heterogeneous set of distributed energy devices has been installed at the Campus of Reutlingen University by the Reutlingen Energy Centre (REZ) of the School of Engineering. The distributed energy devices have been combined to local microgrids and connected to an operative central power plant with additional participants. The demonstration platform serves students, researchers and industry experts for education and investigation of new technologies, devices and software.ru_RU
dc.titleVirtual power plant demonstration platformru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Форум гірників – 2019 : матеріали міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 26-27 верес. 2019 р. До 120-річчя заснування Університету.

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