Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 33
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Fundamentals of creating innovative systems of mineral resources development on the moon, mars and asteroids | Medianyk, Volodymyr; Malashkevych, Dmytro |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Improving the efficiency of pneumopercussion machines | Antonchik, Vladimir; Zabolotny, Kostiantyn; Hankevich, Valentyn; Maltseva, Vira; Kuts, Oleksandra |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Some effective method of processing copper concentrate | Kravchenko, Volodymyr; Hankevich, Valentyn; Pashchenko, Oleksandr; Kuts, Oleksandra |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Research of possibilities for extraction of secondary resources from mining waste and mineral processing waste | Pavlychenko, Artem; Borysovska, Olena |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Influence of deformation parameters on drill string dynamics | Chudyk, Igor; Grydzhuk, Jaroslav |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Preliminary assessment of the content of valuable components in coal mine waste dumps | Petlovanyi, Mykhailo; Sai, Kateryna |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Peculiarities of international and national legislation and modern activity of leading companies in the extraction of colored gems | Shevchenko, Serhii; Husenko, Olha |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Analysis of manganese distribution of coal seam c 5 of “blahodatna” mine field | Ishkov, Valerii |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Phytoremediation technology for coal dumps | Kovrov, Oleksandr; Klimkina, Iryna; Krasovskyi, Serhii |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Cavitation processes in well drilling | Femiak, Yaroslav; Fedyk, Ostap |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Ways of transmitting information via the cable power line | Zibalov, Dmitriy |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Development of ecological monitoring system of metallurgical waste disposal sites USING GIS AND remote sensing | Kolesnik, Valery; Buchavyi, Yurii; Liasov, Kostyantyn |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Substantiation of constructive elements for mining C 42 coal seam in the “samara” mine pjsc “dtek pavlogradugol” | Ruskykh, Vladyslav; Burchenko, Artem |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Substantiation into parameters of the conveyor transport system in the main cargo flow at the mine under conditions of mining works intensification | Koroviaka, Yevhenii; Lubenets, Tetiana |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Vanadium in the coal seam C10B of the dniprovska mine (western donbass) | Pashchenko, Pavlo |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Systematization of data on the modern threat of slagheaps | Zvoryhin, Kyrylo; Kovrov, Oleksandr |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Methodology of researching the process of obtaining composite fuel from coal processing waste | Pavlychenko, Artem; Haidai, Oleksandr; Firsova, Valeriia; Lampika, Tetiana |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Forecasting stability method of coal-containing rocks on the complex of geological and geophysical methods | Kozii, Yevhen |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Substantiation of parameters of technology insulation of absorbing horizons of boreholes | Sudakov, Andrey; Sudakova, Diana |
 | 5-тра-2021 | Substantiation of the parameters For the formation of a filling mass from Metallurgical slags in open pit voids | Filonenko, Oleksandr |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 20 з 33