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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorPistunov, I. M.-
dc.identifier.citationPistunov I. M. Optimizing advertising costs of banking services / Pistunov I. M. // Areas of scientific thought – 2016/2017 : materials of the XII International scientific and practical conference », December 30, 2016 - January 7, 2017, Sheffield : SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD, 2016. – Vol. 1. – P. 1-6.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractOne of the key elements of market infrastructure has a decisive influence on the economic development of any country, serving the banking system. Reforming the economic system of Ukraine is impossible without the existence and sustainable development of the financial sector, where a significant role of commercial banks. This is because it is the commercial banks in the market is one of the most important elements of the economic structure for the organization of cash and capital resources. With the consolidation trend of economic growth in our country, the question of effective implementation of banks entrusted to them in a market economy functions become more significant. Particular weight they gain in terms of sharpening the competitive relationship in the Ukrainian banking market.uk_UA
dc.subjectbanking servicesuk_UA
dc.subjectoptimizing advertising costsuk_UA
dc.titleOptimizing advertising costs of banking servicesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра економіки та економічної кібернетики

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