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dc.contributor.authorIshkov, Valerii-
dc.contributor.authorKozii, Yevhen-
dc.contributor.authorChernobuk, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorLozovyi, Andrii-
dc.contributor.authorDiachkov, Pavlo-
dc.identifier.citationResults data of the regression and correlation analysis of the concentration of germanium with thickness and ashity in the coal seam C 8Н of the Dniprovska mine / Ishkov Valerii, Kozii Yevhen, Chernobuk Oleksandr, Lozovyi Andrii, Diachkov Pavlo // Trends in the development of science in the modern world. Proceedings of the ХХXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (August 23 – 26, 2022). Graz, Austria. – Graz, 2022. – Pp. 115-124.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractFor an objective geological and economic assessment of the possibility of simultaneous extraction of germanium from coal, waste and products of its processing and planning of the most effective organizational and technical measures in this regard, it is first of all necessary to have information about the character of the distribution and concentration level of this element in coal and coal-bearing rocks. In order to obtain such information, detailed studies of the distribution of germanium over the area and in the cross-section of the coal seam с8 н of "Dniprovska" mine field were carried outuk_UA
dc.subjectsmall elementsuk_UA
dc.subjecttoxic and potentially toxic elementsuk_UA
dc.subjectsorption optimumuk_UA
dc.subjectzone of enrichmentuk_UA
dc.titleResults data of the regression and correlation analysis of the concentration of germanium with thickness and ashity in the coal seam C 8Н of the Dniprovska mineuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра геології та розвідки родовищ корисних копалин

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