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dc.contributor.authorIshkov, Valerii Valeriiovych-
dc.contributor.authorKozii, Yevhen Serhiiovych-
dc.contributor.authorChernobuk, Oleksandr Ivanovych-
dc.contributor.authorKozar, Mykola Аntonovych-
dc.contributor.authorPashchenko, Pavlo Serhiiovych-
dc.contributor.authorDiachkov, Pavlo Anatoliiovych-
dc.contributor.authorVladyk, Danyil Volodymyrovych-
dc.identifier.citationManifestation of the phenomenon of coal enrichment with germanium of low-powered areas of the seams of the Dniprovska mine (Ukraine) and the «Zylbermints law» / Ishkov Valerii Valeriiovych, Kozii Yevhen Serhiiovych, Chernobuk Oleksandr Ivanovych, Kozar Mykola Аntonovych, Pashchenko Pavlo Serhiiovych, Diachkov Pavlo Anatoliiovych, Vladyk Danyil Volodymyrovych // Science in the Environment of Rapid Changes: with the Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference (September 6-8, 2022). − Brussels, Belgium: De Boeck, 2022. − Pp. 225-236.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe study of the germanium distribution over the area and in the cross-section of coal seams с8н, с8в, с10в of the "Dniprovska" mine made it possible to establish the presence of a very high inverse correlation between the thickness of the seams and their germanium content; the presence of zones of Ge enrichment with a thickness of 10–30 cm at the contacts of the layers. Thismade it possible to explain in geochemical terms the joint manifestation of the phenomenon of germanium enrichment in low-powered areas and the "Zilberminets law" in the seams of the Dniprovska mine.uk_UA
dc.publisherDe Boeckuk_UA
dc.subjectcoal seamsuk_UA
dc.subjectenrichment zonesuk_UA
dc.titleManifestation of the phenomenon of coal enrichment with germanium of low-powered areas of the seams of the Dniprovska mine (Ukraine) and the «Zylbermints law»uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра геології та розвідки родовищ корисних копалин

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